ATLAS II > Working Group > Interview & Picture > Wolf Ludwig – EURALO

Wolf Ludwig – EURALO

Wolf-Ludwig-thumbnail (2)

1. From your perspective as EURALO chair, what is the importance of ATLAS II?

(WL) ATLAS I in Mexico in 2009 proofed to be an encouragement for our
members and made them better familiar with ICANN topics, rules and policy
procedures. As a first visible result, At-Large gained it’s first voting
director (Seat 15) on the ICANN Board in August 2009. We hope that ATLAS
II may foster and improve our members participation in regular ICANN
debates and enhance inclusiveness among our ALSes. For incoming members
it may also provide some sort of capacity building.

2. What is the goal or objective that you intend to see accomplished by

(WL) ATLAS II may provide an update on their understanding of ICANN, its
role and current changes in the Internet government landscape — to
better understand the “broader picture”. The 2nd user summit will also
improve their bottom-up participation in ICANN processes in general and
in EURALO in particular.

3. What are the expected results in terms of regional and global
participation in ATLAS II?

(WL) It’s rather difficult to assess the global level but I hope that our
members will discuss and find better ways to make particular concerns of
European users (such as privacy etc.) better represented and heard in
ICANN’s policy development. ATLAS II needs to strengthen this bottom-up
approach and make our voice more relevant and indispensable.

4. What do you consider are the next steps to be followed after ATLAS II
to provide continuity and implementation of proposals that are developed

(WL) As said before, to improve our members participation in ICANN’s and
EURALO’s current affairs. EURALO should contribute more in design and
implementation of ICANN’s regional strategy for Europe and to strengthen
the multi-stakeholder model. EURALO needs to become broader over all
parts of Europe to better represent user concerns.

May 26th, 2014 by | Posted in Interview & Picture | No Comments

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