Agenda Details:
Agenda (English):
- Wolf Ludwig, Chair of EURALO - Introduction of Rod Beckstrom, CEO, ICANN
- Rod Beckstrom, CEO, ICANN - Welcoming Comments
- Antti Peltomaki, Deputy Director-General, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, European Commission - Keynote speaker
- Dennis Jennings, Vice Chair, ICANN Board of Directors - How At-Large is integrated into ICANN
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chair of ALAC - At-Large background and achievements
- EURALO ALSes - Overview of Activities
- Jean-Jacques Subrenat, ICANN Board of Directors - How At-Large involvement in ICANN has improved ICANN's role internationally
- EURALO ALSes - Overview of Activities, cont'd
- Sebastien Bachollet, EURALO Representative, Vice-Chair of the ALAC - Concluding Remarks
Agenda (Français):
- Wolf Ludwig, President de l EURALO - Presentation de Rod Beckstrom, CEO, ICANN
- Rod Beckstrom, CEO, ICANN - Commentaires de Bienvenu
- Antti Peltomaki, Sous-Directeur General, Societe d'Information - Commission Europeenne - Intervenant Principal
- Dennis Jennings, Vice President, ICANN Comité Exécutif - Comment At-Large est integre dans ICANN
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Presidente de l'ALAC - Historique d'At-Large background et Contributions
- EURALO ALSes - Vue d'ensemble
- Jean-Jacques Subrenat, ICANN Comité Exécutif - Comment l'implication d'At-Large dans ICANN aameliore le role d'ICANNau niveau international
- EURALO ALSes - Vue d'ensemble, continue
- Sebastien Bachollet, Représentant d'EURALO, Vice-président du ALAC - Vice-Chair of the ALAC - Remarques finales
Agenda (Español):
- Wolf Ludwig, Presidente del EURALO - Presentación de Rod Beckstrom, Presidente, ICANN
- Rod Beckstrom, Presidente, ICANN - Comentarios de Apertura
- Antti Peltomaki, Subdirector General, Dirección-General, Comisión Europea - Ponente principal
- Dennis Jennings, Vicepresidente, Junta directiva de la ICANN - Como está integrado At-Large en la ICANN
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Presidenta del ALAC - Historia y logros de At-Large
- ALSes de EURALO - Visión general de sus actividades
- Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Junta directiva de la ICANN - Como la participación de At-Large mejoraba el papel de la ICANN internacionalmente
- ALSes de EURALO - Visión general de sus actividades, continuada
- Sebastien Bachollet, Representante del EURALO, Vicepresidente del ALAC - Vice-Chair of the ALAC - Comentario concluyente