Gabriella Schittek
ccNSO Secretariat
What it is | The ccNSO Delegations - Redelegations Working Group is analysing the policies and guidelines ICANN uses for the delegation, redelegation and retirement of ccTLD's, and comparing the working procedures against these policies. The WG will be presenting an initial discussion document for the ccNSO members meeting in Brussels. The WG meeting will be primarily to discuss the next steps and meeting schedules for the WG members.
Why is's important | The delegation, redelegation and retirement of ccTLDs and ICANNs application of policy to their procedures and decisions is a fundamental issue for all ccTLD managers.
Who should attend? | Working Group members are the prime audience for this meeting, but ccTLD operators, Government Advisory Committee members or others interested in this WG's activities are welcome to attend these open meetings.