مدونة DaveKnight
Who Is Going To Get Back The Stolen Domains?
GoDaddy got all RegisterFly domains and it seems they are setting up new accounts containing the domains that have similar account information.
I already had a GoDaddy account so the rescued domains had to be transferred to it. It took a while but I now have all but one of my domains back in my control.
The last domain, gointoprofit.com, is in the hands of a person who's Whois info is incorrect. The address given in the Whois does not exist. (Confirmed by the US Post Office while I was on holiday in the US recently.) Could this person be an alias of Kevin Medina or is it one of his cronies?
RegisterFly a bunch of crooks! ICANN inept!
I cannot believe this fiasco has gone on so long. OK, ICANN has to comply with the law but this whole problem has been made worse by them ignoring the complaints from registrants over two years.
I have 4 domains showing unlocked on the Register-fly-by-night site but showing locked on Whois. If these domains are now protected by ICANN why can’t ICANN just unlock them and transfer them to GoDaddy.com as I have requested?