مدونة krischenowski
City Domain Names - The Internet User's view
Local Web addresses could improve relationship between the state and civil society / Survey by German ISP association eco
.lac or .latino?
It seems that Latin American Community movement for an own TLD get some momentum. Comparable to .eu and .asia it it suggested to create a similar string for the community. Proposal are welcome
IGF Workshop on TLD for cities and regions
Under the title "Broadening the Domain Name Space: Top Level Domains for Cities and Regions?" an IGF workshop on TLD for cities and regions is planned. Participants will be also represenatives of the leading city development organisations, Telecities and UNITAR. Speakers include some of the GeoTLD initiatives like .berlin (be .berlin), .paris, .nyc.
Michael Leibrandt on GeoTLDs
Some weeks ago Michael Leibrandt, the German GAC representative until end of 2006, has issued on the CPSR mailing list an article about his personal view on the new gTLDs, especially the GeoTLDs.
Werner Staub, Tom Lowenhaupt and me (Dirk Krischenowski) made comments to Michaels article here: