مدونة Dale H. Cook
No More WDPRS Follow-Ups?
I have not received a 45-day WDPRS follow-up since 20-Jan-2008, even though I have filed WDPRS reports almost daily for the past several months. Has ICANN discontinued WDPRS follow-ups?
I have emailed the webmaster a few times about this matter, but as with all emails to the webmaster on any subject, I have never received a reply.
Dale H. Cook, Chief Engineer, Centennial Broadcasting, Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA - WZZI / WZZU / WLNI / WLEQ
Unavailable Whois Servers
Some Whois servers are frequently unavailable. The one that I have the most issues with is whois.paycenter.com.cn, maintained by Xin Net Technology Corporation in Beijing, China, which has about 750,000 registrations. Unfortunately, many are for "pharmacy" spammers and other spammers who use false email addresses when providing Whois data to the registrar. When trying to establish whether a spammer has falsified such information the paycenter.com Whois server is frequently unavailable. Is there a complaint process for unavailable Whois servers?