مدونة JeffJohnson
Authcode Retrieval Options
Someone explain Where, how and by what means are the EPP authcodes created stored and distributed, who initiated this process, and provide us with an understanding of its original intent.
The old way was problem-free for me, this new way has served as a serious impediment.
If it is at all possible, craft a solution by which a request for authcode can cause the domain name EPP transfer code to be emailed promptly to the email address for the Admin contact in whois
Authcode Situation.
April 1 2007. there is much to do.
April 4 2007. escalated effort. results nill./
April 10 2007 - no results.
All contact touchpoints have been used.
-- Registerfly Specific Account Support Tickets
-- Compliance@Icann.org email access point
-- Transfer-questions@icann.org email access point
Note: registerapi processing is slow.
Note: Same Transfer rejection Melbourne IT.
RRP Authcode Acceptance
I would like, for this short timeframe only and specific to Registerfly only transfer-away processing, to have ICANN INSTRUCT ALL ITS REGISTRARS to ACCEPT RRP as a VALID EPP AUTHCODE to allow transfer-away from registerfly and into a new Registrar by a logged in and verified account holder. In many cases the account verification gets done but the Authcode stops the process.