مدونة tldagent
Blog posts need a visible date
I'm looking at these blogs and they are not showing a visible date. Why is that? I don't think people will participate as much if their blogs aren't dated. Dates on blog posts happens to be a standard on the internet and it should be practiced here as well.
Secondly, I'm looking at the subjects of discussion and ICANN isn't listed. ICANN is a needed subject because ICANN is one of the larger issues that needs discussed.
60 day transfer prohibited - is GoDaddy violating the ICANN policy?
Could someone please clarify the 60 day Transfer Prohibited policy?
The reason I ask is because GoDaddy claims that since I updated my contact information on my domain, that resets the 60 day transfer prohibited policy set forth by ICANN.
GoDaddy has denied a transfer because they claim that ICANN has approved GoDaddy's policy on this written below: