Going Forward With ICANN - The African Region Perspective

1 يناير 1970 - 02:00

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

0900 – 1030

Floriana 3

Goals : To get the communities views on how to participate more efficiently in ICANN and recommendations to take ahead.

Format : A moderated round table session with oral presentations, an open question and answer in the main Lisbon forum open to all.

Length : the session will be two hours in length, and may run to two and half hours if presentations and question and answer run over.

Connectivity : An open IM room and audiocast could be advertised for "the African region going forward with ICANN" in advance of the forum to bring in participation from the region.

Floriana 3 chatroom

Moderator: Pierre Dandjinou, UNDP

10 min

Chair's Introduction


Pierre Ouedraogo



15 min

Current ICT technical and policy situation Africa


Yassin Mchana and Adiel Akplogan


Consultant and AfriNIC



15 min

GAC regional overview


Michael Katundu And Maimouna Diop


CCK Kenya



15 min

ALAC and Africa


Alice Mumuya and Alan Levin





15 min

ccTLD regional overview


Michuki Mwangi and Victor Ciza





15 min

GNSO overview


Sofia Bekele


GNSO council



30 min

Moderated Question and Answer
