Translation at ICANN
Welcome to the translation page
This page has been set up to inform the community about the efforts being made within ICANN to move to being a more international organisation by providing materials in languages other than English.
Update: The summary of public input on the translation programme at the Delhi meeting has been posted to this site. You can read it here.
A translation glossary has been posted on the Web using Google spreadsheets. You can view it here. If you are interested in becoming part of the team that builds up and agrees upon the terms, please email the ICANN translation team on trans-comm [at] icann {dot} org.

The hope is that the community will review these pages and assist in helping the organisation by providing useful feedback, offering to help, supplying useful leads, and so on.
ICANN is dedicated to providing information on its processes to as wide an audience as possible and recognises that in many cases this will mean providing information in languages other than English.
However as we hope the community will recognise, this is a not a simple task, which is why ICANN translation team will be making its plans and deliberations public in the hope of progressing forward as smoothly and swiftly as possible.
We hope the community will work in partnership with ICANN staff on tackling these issues.
There are a number of pages that cover the work of the ICANN translation team.
- There is a translation principles and policy page, which covers ICANN's current public policy and planned approach to translation. A useful start point.
- There is a webpage covering what exactly the translation team is up to, what it is doing and planning to do.
- And there is an issues page, which outlines some of the thorny issues surrounding translation with some quick thoughts on each.
This is ICANN's public participation site and so we encourage you to comment on pages, or produce blog posts outlining issues you think are important or we may have missed.
Equally there is demand for a forum for translation, where conversation can continue on in parallel, please request it and we will set one up.
If people believe a chatroom would be of use, likewise we will set one up.
All the best,
ICANN's translations team