The SSAC Work Plan Page
The SSAC Work Plan Page
This page describes projects and issues SSAC is currently studying.
SSAC advisories and reports may be related to data and events which cannot be disclosed at the time of occurrence or while SSAC is studying an issue. For this reason, SSAC may not always be able to list all of its current work in the Work Plan. The remainder of this page identifies projects and issues SSAC is currently studying.
DNSSEC Explained (ICANN SSAC Workshop, Marrakech, MA) [PDF, 213K]
25 يونيو 2006
Reading List
[SAC027]: SSAC Comment to GNSO regarding WHOIS studies [PDF, 33K]
7 فبراير 2008
[SAC026]: SSAC Statement to ICANN and Community on Deployment of DNSSEC [PDF, 29K]
30 يناير 2008
[SAC025]: Fast Flux Hosting and DNS [PDF, 169K]
28 يناير 2008
[SAC024]: Report on Domain Name Front Running [PDF, 177K]
1 فبراير 2008
[SAC023]: Is the WHOIS Service a Source for email Addresses for Spammers? [PDF, 961K]
23 أكتوبر 2007
[SAC022]: Domain Name Front Running [PDF, 201K]
20 أكتوبر 2007