[SAC011]: Problems caused by the non-renewal of a domain name associated with a DNS Name Server [PDF, 201K]
[SAC008]: DNS Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks [PDF, 965K]
[SAC005]: DNS Infrastructure Recommendation
DNS Infrastructure Recommendation
Of the
Security and Stability Advisory Committee
SAC 005
Document 005 Version 1
1 November 2003
[SAC005]: DNS Infrastructure Recommendation [PDF, 97K]
[SAC002]: ICANN DNS Security Update
In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, ICANN is making a sustained effort to devote energy and resources to security matters relating to the Internet's naming and address allocation systems.� This document provides background on that effort, summarizes the assessments made at ICANN's recent meeting on DNS security, and details the next steps to be taken by ICANN and a range of its constituent organizations.
[SAC001]: DNS Security Reading List
I often get asked for background reading on the Internet's naming and address address allocation systems. So I've started to pull together a collection of links to documents and sites that I've found helpful in discussions about the security/integrity/resilience of the Internet's domain name system, along with some basic primers on Internet architecture. Suggestions and recommendations are avidly invited -- particularly for non-US resources.
-- Andrew
Domain Tasting
I read that ICANN would be reviewing the whole tasting issue wherein domainers register domains just for finding out the value via PPC ads and then delete it within the AGP. I was wondering if a such a solution was feasible:-