Commercial and Business Users Constituency Meeting

4 Nov 2008 - 15:15
4 Nov 2008 - 17:00
Abdeen 1

What it is | The Business Constituency is a constituency
representing customers of providers of connectivity, domain names, IP
addresses, protocols and other services related to electronic commerce
in its broad sense.

Who should attend? | Commercial users of the Internet who are
interested in meaningful competition in the domain name space and
improved enforcement by ICANN of its contract parties (registries and
registrars) with respect to
acts of bad faith facilitated by lack of enforcement.

Agenda details: 


1. Welcome

2. GNSO reform issues brought forward from earlier meetings
moderator: Philip

- issues related to inter-house matters
- issues related to users house matters
- input from the BC charter group
- next steps

3. Policy issues
moderator:  TBA

- new gTLDs
- Fast Flux,  
- Unacceptable Use Policies,  
- RAA,  
- Whois