Internet's Philosophy

What's Internet's Philosophy?
Open and Free, a new IDNs site build up, all about Philosophers or Topics, click here 哲学


What will 志田未来.com equivalent to?

In my blog entry Use an to create a new site for my favorite girl, philemon mentioned:Not yet totaly easy
It will be complete when instead of 志田未来.com, the .com part will be removed and been replaced by i IDN top level domain equivalent to .com

I have a question: What will 志田未来.com equivalent to?

Use an to create a new site for my favorite girl

As IE7, Firefox2 become popular all over the world, people begin to use IDN build internet site, I get in the trends and build my first IDN site for my favorite girl 志田未来, who is an actress in japan and become famous for a TV 14歳の母.

Using IDN make it in a easy wey, now I can tell my friends to visit the site just type 志田未来.com

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