(28) Asociación Ecuatoriana de Derecho Informático y Telecomunicaciones. (AEDIT)

23 Marzo, 2005
Status: Step VII - Certified as At-Large Structure

Application for "At-Large Structure" (ALS) Designation

General Information:

  1. Organization Name:
    Asociaci�n Ecuatoriana de Derecho Inform�tico y Telecomunicaciones. (AEDIT)
  2. Email Address:
  3. Telephone Number:
    (593) 2 2528774
  4. Address:
    Ave. Col�n 535 y Ave. 6 de Diciembre
    Edificio Crist�bal Col�n 6to piso oficina 602
    Quito - Ecuador
  5. Website:
  6. Contact regarding this application:
    Jose Luis Barzallo
    (593) 2 2528774
    Ave. Col�n 535 y Ave. 6 de Diciembre
    Edificio Crist�bal Col�n 6to piso oficina 602
    Quito - Ecuador


  1. Is your organization constituted so that participation by individual Internet users who are citizens or residents of countries within the Geographic Region in which your organization is based will predominate in your organization's operation?
    Yes - Si
  2. Describe your organization's constituents/membership (number, citizenship/location, defining characteristic - e.g. profession for professional societies):
    ICTs and Internet Users, Internet Professionals with a high technical level which has to approve a very complain process of selection. At the time we have 20 members, nationals and foreign
    (TIC�s y Usuarios de Internet, as� como profesionales con un alto nivel t�cnico en el �rea de Internet quienes deben aprobar un complejo proceso de selecci�n. Al memento son 20 miembros entre nacionales y extranjeros)
  3. Explain the eligibility requirements (if any) for your organization's constituents/membership (if you provide a written application for admission as a member, you may attach a copy):
    We have an application for admissions the same that is studied by the executive commit. \

    The person who apply does not has to have a specific career, but the person has to have the courage to work hard in any project, and be updated with the globalization things.

    (Tenemos una aplicaci�n para aspirantes la misma que es estudiada por el comit� ejecutivo.

    La persona que aplica no necesita tener una carrera espec�fica pero si el coraje para trabajar en cualquier proyecto y siempre estar al d�a con los cambios provenientes de la globalizaci�n)

  4. In what language/s does your organization conduct its business?
    Spanish as first language but if somebody needs we can help in English too

    (Espa�ol es el lenguaje principal pero si lo requieren se los ayudara en idioma Ingles)

  5. Provide support for the statement that your organization is self-supporting (by answering "yes" you confirm that it will not rely on ICANN for funding):
    Yes - Si
  6. Describe your organization's structure (e.g. governing and decision-making bodies and processes):
    General Asamblea - Asamblea General
    President - Presidente
    Vice President - Vice Presidente
    General Secretary - Secretaria General
    Executive Commit - Comit� Ejecutivo

    Commits - Comites: Academic - Academico
    Interinstituctionals relationships - Relaciones Interinstitucionales
    Legal - Legal
    Proyects and Events - Proyectos - Eventos
  7. Does your organization commit to supporting its individual constituents'/membership's informed participation in ICANN?
    Yes - Si
  8. Describe how your organization keeps its constituents/membership informed about, and enables them to participate in, decisions regarding issues of interest:
    Mettings - Reuniones
    Electronic newsletters - Correos Electr�nicos
    Directly person to person - Directamente con quienes forman parte de la Asociaci�n
  9. Does your organization post on the Internet publicly-accessible, current information about your organization's goals, structure, description of constituent group(s)/membership, working mechanisms, leadership, and contact(s) (if this information currently is available, provide URLs)?
    YES- SI ( www.aedit.org.ec )
  10. Provide information on your organization's leadership (leaders' names, positions, emails):
    Jos� Luis Barzallo (President - Presidente): joseluis@xxxxx
    Diego Sanchez (Vice President - Vice Presidente): dsanchez@xxxxx
    Paulina Casares (General Secretary - Secretar�a General): po@xxxxx


  1. What is your organization's primary goal or mission (please attach any mission or policy statement for your organization, if in writing, or provide a URL, if posted):
    1. Promote the development and research of informatics law, lawful informatics and telecommunications law
    2. Promote lawful knowledge relatives with informatics and telematics aspects
    3. Diffuse the utilities of technologies applied in diary activities
    4. Be able to share with our members update technology for their activities
    5. Be a support for our members and related professionals with new tendencies
    6. Give to our members capacitating and material about Informatics Law
    7. Help public and private organizations nationals or foreign

    In Spanish:
    1. Promover el desarrollo e investigaci�n del Derecho Inform�tico, la inform�tica Jur�dica y el derecho de las telecomunicaciones.
    2. Promover los conocimientos jur�dicos relacionados con la inform�tica y la telem�tica.
    3. Difundir entre los Abogados y dem�s profesionales el uso de la tecnolog�a aplicada a sus actividades diarias.
    4. Facilitar a sus Miembros y a los profesionales relacionados, tecnolog�a actualizada para sus actividades.
    5. La capacitaci�n de sus Miembros y profesionales relacionados con las modernas tendencias jur�dicas y la actualizaci�n de la informaci�n.
    6. Proveer a sus Miembros informaci�n relacionada con el Derecho inform�tico.
    7. Participar ante Organizaciones p�blicas y privadas nacionales o extranjeras.

  2. What ICANN-related issues currently are of interest to your organization's constituents/membership:
    - Domaine Names System - Sistema de Nombres de Dominio
    - UDRP - Resoluci�n de disputas
    - gTLD - Dominios gen�ricos de nivel superior
    - ccTLDs - C�digos Pa�s
    - Government Advisory - Asesor�a gubernamental
    - Ingenieria en internet - Internet Engineering
    - Internet Protocol - Protocolos de Internet
    - Internet Society - Sociedad Internet
    - Internet Service Provider - Proveedores de servicios de internet
    - Academic - Academico
    - Interinstituctionals relationships - Relaciones Interinstitucionales
    - Legal - Legal
    - Projects and Events - Proyectos - Eventos
    - Regional Government - Pol�ticas regionales
    - E-government - Gobierno electr�nico
  3. If formed, will your organization commit to assisting the Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) for the region in which your organization is based in performing its function?
    Yes - Si




Ex Nom-comm member (ICANN)