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Participation at meetings

There is an ongoing issue about how to have real and effective remote participation at ICANN meetings.

As most of you will hopefully be aware, a specific website is set up for each meeting - you can see Delhi's here:, and Paris' at - where a webpage is provided for every meeting. That webpage contains its own chatroom; it contains the agenda, links to presentations , and, when over, a link to the transcript.

However there is still a disconnect and an advantage if you are physically in the room. As an Internet organisation trying to serve a global audience with limited resources, ICANN wants to get to the point where participation is real and possible remotely.

Add your ideas, have a discussion, review what others think at this dedicated forum to improving remote participation.


The biggest issue from experience is time. Meetings start and go extremely quickly from the perspective of someone not in the room. Often meetings happen at inappropriate times for those that wish to attend. Sometimes by the time a question raised remotely can be introduced into the conversation, the conversation has moved on. And this in itself discourages interaction.

So the question is: what can be done to fix this? Is the answer to make sure agendas are posted earlier? How can this be enforced? Should questions be accepted ahead of time? Should meetings on one topic be stretched over several days, allowing for more effective remote input?

What are the practicalities? How do you get the physical meeting to take remote input seriously? What needs to be done? ICANN is very interested in your views on this. And for that reason we have set up a forum on this site in order to help the community discuss, review, brainstorm and formulate possible solutions which ICANN will then experiment with in an effort to provide the global community with a more effective route into the organisation's work.

Add your ideas, have a discussion, review what others think at this dedicated forum to improving remote participation.

ALAC Trifold - Português

Test forum

This is a test forum

Test forum

This is a test forum

second topic

second topic placed here

second topic

second topic placed here

test messages area

test messages area

test messages area

test messages area

5 day refund policy

I posted this in the public forum as well, but I want to stress the issue:

Why does ICANN have the 5 day refund policy for registrars?
This is only an invite for domain fishing i.e. register and park domains and keep the ones that get enough type-in traffic to cover the registration fees. An invitation to SPAM in other words.

As they say, my 2 Insurance Directory owner cents

What are we doing about the rampant Porn industry?

The Internet is a place that we send our children to look up information for school. What are we doing about the rampant Porn industry with free peeks that leave nothing to the imagination?

Estruturas At Large [PDF, 66K]

Mega Estruturas

English     Français     Español     Italiano     Deutsch     Português (Brazil)

Candidatura Para Designação "At-Large Structure" (ALS)

(96) INTERNAUTA BRASIL, Associação Usuários Internet do Brasil [PDF, 40K]

19 Março 2007
Status: Step VII - Certified as At-Large Structure

(96) INTERNAUTA BRASIL, Associação Usuários Internet do Brasil [PDF, 40K]

19 Março 2007
Status: Step VII - Certified as At-Large Structure


23 Abril 2007
Status: Step VII - Certified as At-Large Structure


23 Abril 2007
Status: Step VII - Certified as At-Large Structure


23 Maio 2005

Se você (ou um grupo do qual participa) deseja influenciar as decisões que dão forma à Internet, certifique-se como uma "At-Large Structure" (Estrutura At-Large) e participe das decisões da ICANN que são vitais aos usuários finais da Internet.



23 Abril 2007
Status: Step VII - Certified as At-Large Structure


23 Abril 2007
Status: Step VII - Certified as At-Large Structure

What Is At-Large?

At-Large provides a way for the worldwide individual Internet user community to engage in all the issues that are a part of ICANN’s work such as:

new web site

Having trouble with registering my web site just begun.
Cannot seem to find the right way to tell the company
that the name is registered to that they cannot have it.
I had registered originally with Domain Names and retain
the certificate, but was somehow
reregistered to a 'company' called Go Daddy. They are
using the site as an advertisement for other web sites.
Meanwhile, my site is gathering dust on '/index'. Any

The New Look Public Participation Site

Congratulations on the launch of the New Look Public Participation Site...

This new format (as it has developed so far) is easy to navigate and we (ALAC and its Officers) look forward to its use as an important tool...

The New Look Public Participation Site

Congratulations on the launch of the New Look Public Participation Site...

This new format (as it has developed so far) is easy to navigate and we (ALAC and its Officers) look forward to its use as an important tool...

End of Summer Time in Europe and Remote Participation

Europe moved from summer time to winter time last night but the California won't do so until next weekend. This means that for the week of the ICANN meeting the time difference between Europe and the US is different than normal.

Anyone who wants to follow the sessions at this week's meeting will need to take account of the difference in the normal time calculations this week.
On Monday at 9am in Los Angeles it will be 5pm in Brussels and 4pm in Lisbon which is one hour earlier than last week.


I had mentioned to Dr. Paul Twomey that implication of internet in strengthening democratic institutions is an unexplored area. Professional interventions by ICANN can help in improving the Government-to-Citizen communication systems.

"buying made in Ghana goods" includes ccTLD (.gh)

Hi All,

I believe this mail will interest all. If we are interested in our identity ( The course to be proud as a people); not forgetting the recent re-launch of the "buying made in ghana goods", usage of our ccTLD (.gh) will re-ignite a national self esteem and confidence. But some will argue why go for a domain with annual fee of say 35 dollars why say .com can go for some 9 dollars. what are the charges of the sky-rocketing charges?

Read a case study of what corporate nigerian is doing.

read on and lets start a national or i say international debate ?

IPv6 addresses for private networks

Yesterday's IPv6 deployment session ran over slightly, so there was no time to discuss a question Christian Chu Fook of Grenada's GD Management Group, asked. Nonetheless, it's a good question and touches on an active area of discussion in the IETF's IPv6 WG.

is there a scope within IPv6, like IPv4, that is reserved for private networks?

IPv6 Deployment Panel

24 Jun 2007 - 15:00
24 Jun 2007 - 16:30

This session takes place in the San Geronimo A/B room between 3 and 4.30pm (UTC -4) on Sunday 24 June 2007.


What it is?

This session is a 90 minute panel discussion focusing on the issues involved in deploying IPv6 on an IPv4 network. Although IPv6 is very similar to IPv4, there are enough differences that's it's necessary to ensure many components on deployed networks will be able to handle IPv6 as well as IPv4.

A Tale of TWO CITIES - TWO organisations


Problem: Someone or somehow our domain names are hijacked and transferred without our permission to another registrar and we lose control and ownership!

1. Losing Registrar does not want to know! Nothing to do with us GOV! (UK expression).

2. New Registrar says he can't do anything unless a Dispute Transfer is initiated by the Losing Registrar who of course denies all responsbility and says contact ICANN

Whois information page

Welcome to the Whois information page where you can find out what Whois is, why it is important, why there has been so much argument over it, and where the resolution process is at the moment.

Authcode Retrieval Options


Someone explain Where, how and by what means are the EPP authcodes created stored and distributed, who initiated this process, and provide us with an understanding of its original intent.

The old way was problem-free for me, this new way has served as a serious impediment.

If it is at all possible, craft a solution by which a request for authcode can cause the domain name EPP transfer code to be emailed promptly to the email address for the Admin contact in whois

RegisterFly, Class Action, ICANN and Registries

I got notice yesterday evening of a class action brought to in a US Court against RF, eNom and ICANN.

Although I can understand why the plaintiff is naming eNom and ICANN ( though i don't think that she will succeed in demonstrating that there were illegal conduct from both ) it is somewhat baffling why some other registrars and registries are left alone from this action.

On the process of trying to solve the problem ICANN stated that it had come to an agreement with the registries (all? some of them?) so domains would not be lost.

Questions for the public forum?

ICANN has changed the method by which it draws input into its public meetings - including the public forum - in an effort to make it easier to interact, and hence encourage greater interaction.


For the ICANN public forum on Thursday 29 March 2007

Please note: You need to register with the site and be logged in to gain access to the chatrooms

Webcast | Audiocast | Chatroom | Forum


Authcode Situation.

April 1 2007. there is much to do.
April 4 2007. escalated effort. results nill./
April 10 2007 - no results.
All contact touchpoints have been used.
-- Registerfly Specific Account Support Tickets
-- email access point
-- email access point
Note: registerapi processing is slow.
Note: Same Transfer rejection Melbourne IT.

RRP Authcode Acceptance

I would like, for this short timeframe only and specific to Registerfly only transfer-away processing, to have ICANN INSTRUCT ALL ITS REGISTRARS to ACCEPT RRP as a VALID EPP AUTHCODE to allow transfer-away from registerfly and into a new Registrar by a logged in and verified account holder. In many cases the account verification gets done but the Authcode stops the process.

Domain tasting and add grace period abuse

Well i couldn't make it to Lisbon today... :-(

But would like to share my 2 cents on this

I'm really not against domain tasting de per se.

What really annoys me is the abuse some regsitrars make of their status. I thinks it's quite clear that some have just been created for the sole purpose of speculation on domain name trade. By using their registrar staus they are doing their dirty tricks for free.

At-Large Advisory Committee Meeting, Second Session

15 Set 2008 - 11:08

What it is: The meeting is the main policy related meeting for At-Large in Lisbon. Along with guest speakers, the delegates will seek to agree on policy statements covering three areas of current ICANN policy work: Domain Monetisation / Tasting, Registry/Registrar Practices of Concern to End-Users, and Internationalised Domain Names.

Why it's important: The two regions and ALAC, after consulting with the other regions, expect to conclude statements on policy areas under discussion in other constituencies.