RSSAC Meeting, Paris

30 Julho, 2005

new attendees are listed w/ affiliation

jeff baker,

john crain

steve conte

suzanne woolf

joua dumas

rob austien

johan ihren

steve crocker

bill manning

jun murai

cathy murphy

russ mundy

lars liman

mark kosters

<new vsgn person>

matt larson

olaf kolkman

daniel karranberg

brett carr, ripe ncc

akira kato

yuji sekai

rob payne

andrei robacheski

jim cassells

mike green

rip loomis

george michaleson

kenjra cho

fredrico neaves



     dnssec impact on root

     ssac report

     anycast update


     measurement & simulation

     icann status

     policy status & root servers

     rssac btwn today & next meeting


dnssec for root - Olaf K.

     slides <> - summary: CPU impact

     is small, Memory can be calulated but bandwidth is harder to cacluate.

     for most zones this is a non-issue, the most important factor is the

     property of the queries.

     we may need to ask the IETF to remove cruft e.g. to move the DNSSEC

     response from additional section.

     check for DO bit enabled queries.  more than a million RRs will push

     the memory limit.

     tests not checking multiple keys or multiple algos... yet.

     readiness - root ops are on track. although at least one is out

     into 2006. there is a question about drivers to make the upgrade


     Crocker wants the readiness stuff documented - as part of the

     dnssec-deployment part of DHS... looking for tracking data

     into the roadmap. - he will revisit an older "yard-stick" and

     we will update.  -  at some point there are external factors that

     will not change.  and we are not speaking about the signing aspect.

SSAC report - Steve Crocker

     there is now a full time staff @ ICANN - Dave Piscatello

     as a person tracking and completing the work/reports.

     Suzanne Woolf - the rise in the number of request to ssac is potentially

     disurbing. RSSAC itself tends to not have an opinion unless asked by

     ICANN board. A few recommendations have emerged and a few more are


Anycast update - Matt Larson

     the update from ICANN-GAC - Luxumbourg

     Bill Manning - recent reports of unauthorized copies of anycast

     instances - they appear to exist.  Do we have good tools to detect

     and mitigate?

     Rob - IPv6 anycast has been fixed in the IETF.

IPv6 - Bill Manning

     studies have been completed and a proposed recommendation has

     been drafted. RSSAC will look at the proposed recommendation and

     if no further comments in 14 days - will ask Jun to recommend to

     ICANN for IPv6 glue for roots.  Need to get updates to "G" first

     and update test for Joao before the 14 day window starts.

Measurement    - Kenjura Cho

     nothing to report from caida or wide.

     Russ Mundy - DETER wants to build an accurate simulation of the

          root server system.

          Will root operators be willing to contribute/participate?

          Are there sensitivities with the root system?

     Matt Larson - yes there are, at least for VSGN.

     Bill Manning - concerned about viability of results/reports generated

          from "stale" information.

     Jun Murai - openended testing of routing systems is very difficult.

     Russ Mundy - intended to be a community resource.  testing for a system


     Suzanne Woolf - what is the expected level of participation? 

          contributed traffic traces, configuration information, etc?         Russ Mundy - configuration data would be most helpful

     Suzanne Woolf - this is perhaps more sensitive than traffic.

     Liman/DFK - we will not give you anything we will not publicly publish.

     Matt - not sure we (VSGN) will be able or willing to participate.

     Jun - want to see detailed experiment plans first.

     So... the general feeling from the operators is "come ask".  

     for further detail, see

ICANN status & IANA status  -- John Crain / Suzanne Woolf

     A hot item is the status of agreements w/ ICANN & root ops

     RSSAC has stayed focused on its core issues.  Good meeting w/ GAC

     at the last ICANN meeting in Luxomberg

     Many now beleive that "no news is good news" from us.  A high

     level of trust that we do well and are focused  on stability.

     GAC and others want to see more statistical data - some was available.

     Jun Murai - historically was asked about root server deployment status.

           Anycast has solved most of those operational issues.  There

          are still political issues. - had also been asked about TLD

          creation and RSSAC/Root Opertor involvment  - is it still a


     Suzanne Woolf - We have stated that we carry the data.

     Steve Crocker - At the CapeTown ICANN BoT meeting - discussed how big

          can the root zone be?  do the root servers care?  Where are

          the thresholds for the operations.

     In general, this is not an operational issue, its a backoffice

          management concern.

IANA - John Crain


     not much change .  there is a change in the IANA management.  The

     manager job is open.  The internal servers are being upgraded to

     support DNSSEC.

Policy -- Jun Murai


     The lack of visable, written documents on root server coordination

     and cooperation are a long standing concern, with current environment,

     much higher visability. what action items do we have do move forward

     on this issue? we need to do something on this...

     Suzanne Woolf -  WGIG report came out and pointed out that the roots

     are run by trust and not treaty/policy. this is perhaps an issue

     for the operators not rssac. 

     Steve Crocker - whats the distinction btwn rssac and ops.

     RSSAC is an advisory group to ICANN, contains many folks from

     other groups... root ops have access to the operational boxes.

     Jun Murai - root ops need to make progress on formalizing what they do,

     perhaps outside a contract ... as first steps.

     Would like to make progress before next meeting. 


     Rob Austein - we might consider referencing the USG/National Academies


     Bill Manning - One possible way forward is to take prior drafts from

     past years and look for common language.

     Jun Murai - It may not been required to have all root operators

     "sign-on" at the same time.  Any such agreements may be evolutionary

     in nature. 

 RSSAC - interim meetings & next face to face

     Vancouver - 06nov2005

     need interim meetings - how / where / when.

     will update the pages - send for committe review -

     intent to overlay on icann pages - make sure there is

     clarity on the roll-relationship btwn and icann.

     how to select a new chair - this task is in the bylaws.

     do we use the processes that have been used to select

     liasons in the past?  Bill Manning will write up a draft

      and present it for editorial markup to the committee.


No?? ... thanks!
