RSSAC Meeting, Washington DC, 2004

7 Novembro, 2004

- 20th Meeting

Washington DC. at the Hilton Hotel


- Rob Austein note on IAB/IESG issues

- Anycast

- Security


- Measurement

- ICANN Liason

- List Maintainance

- Future

- 6 Mar 2005 @ Minneapolis

IAB/IESG issues:
- Jun Murai

- Server ID



- IPv6 Anycast: a draft on clarifing anycast is needed

- DNSEXT WG requesting publication of DNSSECbis specs

Bill Manning: we
should try and answer the outstanding questions with existing IAB/IESG
- before March 2005

Anycast: - Paul

No new features, there is incremental growth with much the same architecture

Mark Kosters presents data from nanog on the "J" instance. Highights
are: unexplained jitter

TCP concerns - does not seem to affect UDP

Stay the course.

Mark Kosters: - still doing analysis to understand events

David Conrad: - any similar data from others?

Paul Vixie:- no - but may be due to the nature of the way we do anycast.
Lars Liman: - no - but we have not done the analysis.

Daniel Karrenberg: - our measurements for "K" do not see what
"J" has found. - may be where we are looking from?

Akira Kato: - M is still evolving - no data as of yet

Bill Manning: - v6 anycast is an open issue, per previous agenda item

Security: - Steve

I n SD, asked when the servers will be ready to serve DNSSEC signed zones.
the minutes recorded a mid 2005 date as the earliest reasonable time.
Key items are:

must have useable

test said S/W

todays business

DNSSEC queries

Consensus process - when will RSSAC tell ICANN the servers are ready?

That said, dnssec is becoming deployable in the user community but for
this task Second half 2005 seemed about right. is there any change? should
a poll be taken? should we ask the ssac/rssac liason (who turns out to
be Johan!)

Ray Plzak: - when
will RSSAC answer the question on readiness?

Steve Crocker: - want to add these things to the deployment roadmap.

Bill Manning: - what are the drivers to adopt new S/W? These will impact
the projected timescales for some operators.

Ray Plzak: - will there be an audit to determine "readiness"?

Johan Ihren: - how will readiness be tested? - does not answer if an independent
audit can be done.

Bill Manning: -It may be unlikely that an audit is possible without other

David Conrad: - will ICANN be ready to provide signed data?

Steve Crocker: -Yes. but the time is not yet settled. A nominal ready
date, for planning purposes has been the spring ICANN mtg.

John Crain: - that is not a firm date.

Straw-poll - still on track w/ 2h2005 - must migrate to 93x/94x, NSD,
or equivalent software that has the feature set needed.

Rollout Timeline


A 6mo - 1yr

B end of 1st half 2005 (7 mo)

C Feb 2005

D Early Summer 2005

E 6 - 12 Months

F Running Compliant

G New Guy - Unsure

H not present

I Less than 6mos

J 6mo - 1yr

K Within 6 mo

L 6 - 12 mo

M testing + 3mo (6 - 12mo)

IPv6 status: - Bill Manning

Native IPv6 transport
for the root servers or AAAA glue for these servers in the root zone requires
a recommendation. The recommendation can not be made at this time because
we do not understand the stablity impact in the interaction with the deployed
software base. A delayed item from San Diego was to build a matrix and
then test these interactions. We will have a meeting later this week to
construct the matrix and build test cases.

A recommendation on IPv6 anycast needs to be written. The concern here
is that the IPv4 anycast techniques are not the same as the anycast techniques
for IPv6 as defined by the IETF.

PMTU - we will document
what we think our issues are and pass to SSAC and the IETF. Johan write
the PMTU document, will be circulated to SSAC then published as in Internet

- Jun Murai

Yuji Sekei presents
Wide project data:

Table1 shows probes at 12 new locations and Table2 shows the results of
previous and current probes.

RSSAC members will assist in getting more probe points in places like
Africa and the Carribean.

Suzane Woolf: - OARC update. CAIDA has received an NSF award of 3m USD
over 36 months to study the DNS. ISC is coordinating some of this effort
through its OARC project.

ICANN Liason: Jun

Jun used to perform
this function when he sat on ICANNs board. Need a replacement since he
can not commit the time to participate. A short list was generated, woolf,
Ihren, manning from last meeting. The rssac chair would like to use Woolf
but wants input from the committee as a whole.

Bill Manning: - will she accept?

Mark Kosters:- what is the term? and what are the responsibilities?

Steve Crocker:- not technical, have full bot access. discussion lists,
telephonic meetings, does not on committees, must represent RSSAC issues
to ICANNs board. must stay for the duration of all ICANN meetings.

Mark Kosters:- Conflict of Interest concerns?

Johan Ihren: I can not commit the time.

Bill Manning: I am willing but would have to resign from another position

Suzanne Woolf: I am willing - needs to be done.

Mark Kosters:- would any of the candidates be conflicted due to the .NET
re-bid item that is currently under consideration by the ICANN board?

(discussion: no clear answers from anyone to Marks question)

Jun Murai: -would postponing will be problematic?

Steve Crocker - missed having rssac present at ICANN board meetings.

Paul Vixie:- the choice should be based on qualifications not biases.

Bill Manning: - as chair, Jun should make a choice and we should support
that choice. And he should make the choice this week.

Jun Murai: - will
report back to the committee on Thursday this week.

updates from crain to be applied

06mar2005 mins

2870 update lead by Bill Manning and Lars Liman.

Notes taken by: Cathy
Murphy, Bill Manning, Steve Conte, Brian Coppola
