DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee, SUNTEC Convention Center, Singapore

2 Março, 1999


  • Introduction
  • Background/Charter

  • Members

  • Issues/Tasks

  • Future schedule

  • Open meeting planning

Initial reasons for RSSAC

  • Root Server System issues have been addressed

    • in the Green Paper and White Paper process
    • in the formation of ICANN.

  • Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) mandated

      in ICANN bylaws
    • in ICANN JPA-MoU with the US Government

  • Jon Postel left.

Additional background

  • Changes in the root server system have been discussed inside and
    outside of the US government for over two years. As part of the Green
    Paper and White Paper process, it was agreed that the entire system
    would be reviewed as part of the formation of ICANN to assess its
    current state and possible areas where improvement might be needed.
  • Consequently, a specific provision for a Root Server System Advisory
    Committee (RSSAC) was included in the bylaws from the beginning.
  • The passing of Jon Postel left some policy issues and some
    day-to-day operational concerns without clear direction. It is
    important to note that he set up a reliable system that has continued
    to function without him, but these issues need to be addressed in a
    way that protects both the short term and long term operational
    stability of the Net.

Meeting Summary of RSSAC

  • March 2, 1999 10:00-15:00

  • 15 participants

    • Root server operators group

    • IETF/IAB

    • IEPG

    • RIRs

    • IANA staff


Work Items

  • To write technical procedures for operation of the primary root server
    including procedures that permit modifications, additions or deletions
    to the root zone file.

  • To make the management of the root server system more robust and

    • Operational requirements of root name servers, including host hardware
      capacities, operating system and name server software versions, network
      connectivity, and physical environment.

    • Examination of the security aspects of the root name server system
      and review of the number, location, and distribution of root name
      servers considering the total system performance, robustness, and

    • Development of operational procedures for the root server system,
      including formalization of contractual relationships under which root
      servers throughout the world are operated.

  • To design, develop, and test a plan for addressing the operational
    issues raised by possible expansion of the
    number of gTLDs. The designed process should consider and take into
    account the following:

    • New gTLDs

    • IPv6 deployment
    • Security issues

Other Issues discussed

  • Future Relationship with other groups

    • IETF related WG for large scale DNS operations (large/many

    • RFC2010 revision

    • ICANN SOs - ASO/DNSO policy and operations decisions will need
      coordination with root nameserver operation

  • Y2K problems

    • do the root servers have a Y2K problem? It does not seem so
      but further investigation is required.

    • What formal statement/report/certification will need to be
      made on this?

  • Risk Management


  • The ICANN Board is responsible for appointing the initial chairman of
    the RSSAC, which it did at its meeting of 1/17/99 by appointing Jun

  • It is anticipated that the chairman will nominate an initial slate of
    members for the RSSAC.
  • It is not required that the committee have a specific number of
    members, nor that the full complement of members be appointed
  • It has been the group consensus so far that it needs to include:
    Root nameserver operators, DNS, and Topology area technical experts.


  • The second meeting of RSSAC
    IETF/Minneapolis (March 15-19), Tuesday, March 16.

  • Expected initial output draft after the second meeting

    • preliminary list of milestones tbd in Minneapolis

    • initial draft(s) for internal review around March 31,

    • Mailing list for committee's work to be established

Open part of this meeting

  • Introduction/background

  • Work Items

  • Members

  • Hearing requirements

  • Discussions
  • Announcement of the 2nd meeting

The Chair made sure interested observers at the open portion of the meeting
had the background and mission of the committee explained. Some
questions were taken from a couple of observers.

Adjourned approx. 15:00.