Registration Abuse Policies WG Breakfast

Mon 02 Mar 2009 - 07:00 - 08:00
Don Diego 4

What it is |  First meeting of the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group

Why is it important | On 25 September 2008, the GNSO Council adopted a motion requesting an issues report on registration abuse provisions in registry-registrar agreements. The issues report identifies existing provisions in registry-registrar agreements relating to abuse and identifies and describes potential options for further Council consideration. The Council voted at its meeting on 18 December to form a drafting team to create a proposed charter for a working group to investigate the open issues documented in the issues report on Registrations Abuse Policies. The drafting team presented a charter for a Working Group to further investigate these open issues, such as the difference between registration abuse and domain name use abuse; and how effective existing registration abuse policies are; and which areas, if any, would be suitable for GNSO policy development to address registration abuse, to the Council which adopted the charter at its meeting on 19 February. A call for volunteers to join the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group was launched subsequently.

Who should attend? | Anyone interested in joining the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group

Further information:

Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report -
Registration Abuse Policies Working Group Charter -