In order to facilitate early awareness and preparation towards ICANN 45, the table, Draft 45th ICANN Meeting (Toronto) Topic Sessions & Facilitative Documents Schedule, provides information on sessions and topics that are anticipated to be scheduled at the meeting and the corresponding supporting documents, if any are identified. This draft table will be updated regularly as new information is gathered and until the final schedule is posted on 24 September 2012.
The outline below is provided to give you a simple overview of what you can expect each day in Toronto. Schedule is subject to change. A detailed schedule, including session overviews, agendas, and remote participation services will be posted on 24 September 2012.
Saturday, 13 October 2012
GNSO working session Open to all; Possible Supporting Organisation (SO) and Advisory Committee (AC) Meetings
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Newcomers' sessions (open to all), GNSO working session Open to all; ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session; GAC Working Group Sessions; possible Workshops
Monday, 15 October 2012
Welcome Ceremony & Public Workshops
Formal opening of the meeting; Public Workshops; Joint SO Meetings
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Stakeholder Day / Constituency Day
GNSO Stakeholder Group/Constituency Meetings; ALAC Policy Discussions; GAC Meetings; Joint SO/AC Meeting; ccNSO Meetings; Music Night Event
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Workshop Day
GNSO Council Meeting; Various Workshops; Reviews; ccNSO Meetings; Gala Event
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Public Forum
Morning Workshops; Reports; Public Forum; Board Wrap-up/Toronto Review; ICANN 45 Wrap Up Cocktail
As of August 2012
List of Main Topics/Sessions |
Supporting Document Title |
Target Posting Date |
Translated Yes/No |
Comment |
SSR RT (Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team) |
24-Sep-2012 |
Yes |
15-Sep-2012 |
30-Sep-2012 |
No |
WHOIS RT (WHOIS Policy Review Team)
12-Jul-2012 |
No |
24-Sep-2012 |
Yes |
ATRT Update
24-Sep-2012 |
No |
24-Sep-2012 |
Yes |
24-Sep-2012 |
No |
24-Sep-2012 |
No |
24-Sep-2012 |
No |
New gTLDs Application Process Update |
24-Sep-2012 |
No |
2nd Round of New gTLDs |
24-Sep-2012 |
No |
New gTLDs - 2nd Level Protection |
IDN Variants |
24-Sep-2012 |
No |
Rights Protection Mechanism Implementation Update |
24-Sep-2012 |
Yes |
24-Sep-2012 |
Yes |
Community Outreach Update |
24-Sep-2012 |
Yes |
IGF Workshop |
Structural Improvements - Impact of New gTLD Program on Stakeholders and Constituencies |
Operating Plan & Budget |
DNS Abuse - various topics including data protection |
Strategic Planning |
24-Sep-2012 |
Yes |
24-Sep-2012 |
No |
Aug-2012 |
Oct-2012 |
Jul-2012 |
No |
Oct 2012 |
Yes |
Sep/Oct-2012 |
Oct-2012 |
L-Root |
24-Sep-2012 |
Yes |