Exploring Replacements for WHOIS - The Next Generation Directory Services
In December, ICANN announced the creation of an Expert Working Group (EWG) on next-generation gTLD registration directory services, as a first step in fulfilling the ICANN Board’s directive to help redefine the purpose and provision of gTLD registration data. The work of the EWG is expected to serve as a foundation to help GNSO create a new global policy for the provision of gTLD registration data, as part of a Board requested Policy Development Process (PDP) to be commenced upon the conclusion of the EWG's activities.
Recent Activities
After conducting a comprehensive review of issues surrounding the requirements for a next-generation gTLD Registration Directory Service (RDS), the EWG published its Initial Report, FAQs, and opened its consultation period with the ICANN community. In advance of the Buenos Aires Meeting, the EWG will publish a Status Report that highlights the EWG’s progress to date and identifies areas where additional community input is needed.
Overview of Latest Developments
This public session will include an overview of the EWG’s work as reflected in the EWG’s Status Report, and an opportunity to engage in dialogue with the ICANN Community.
The Status Update Report provides further insight into the EWG's analysis and highlights its current thoughts on key issues, after more extensive exploration of open areas and careful consideration of all Community comments received on its Initial Report.
For More Information
Information about EWG meetings and activities can be found on the EWG’s public wiki: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40175189
Please see the EWG Announcement for additional information about the Status Update Report.