Hosted by NIC Argentina
NIC Argentina was created in 1987 under the Argentinean Chancellery's Computerization Project, which engaged the first network communication in the country.
From that moment on, and under the supervisión of the Ministry of Foreign Relations and Cult, NIC Argentina worked to improve the interface, provide new services to the community, and set a regulatory frame for the registration of domain names. In 1998, the Internationalized Domain Name was implemented.
In 2011, the National Direction for the Registration of Domain Names (Dirección Nacional del Registro de Dominios de Internet – DNRDI) was created, under the direction of Dr. Gustavo Justich, to adminístrate the ccTLD .ar.
To this day, there are over 2.400.000 '.ar' domains, the largest domain/population ratio in the entire LAC región.