Welcome! ICANN60 will be our Annual General Meeting for 2017. This seven-day meeting will be focused on outreach, capacity building, and showcasing ICANN’s work to a broader global audience. For general information about ICANN60, please visit http://icann60.abudhabi
For ICANN Organization to appropriately plan and budget for the future, input and participation by all community stakeholders is essential. However, ICANN’s budgets and planning activities can be complex and overwhelming for someone new to the process. In this session, we will help community members understand the basics of ICANN’s budgets and prepare them to effectively participate in planning activities. Learning objectives: 1. To understand Bylaws requirements and process steps for ICANN budget and planning. 2. To be able to read the components of ICANN planning and budget documents. 3. To provide valuable feedback on plans and budgets during public comments periods. - Staff Leader: Xavier Calvez Staff Facilitator: Jessica Castillo