At-Large Capacity Building Session: Current issues in Cybersecurity
10:15 - 11:15 UTC on Wednesday, 26 June
Toubkal (ALAC)
Building on top of the successful series of ATLAS III preparatory webinars, this face-to-face session aims to provide a better understanding of current cybersecurity issues face by the global multistakeholder community. The session will focus on current global cybersecurity threats, including e.g. the hacker group #SeaTurtle espionage via #DNShijacking, hitting 40 organizations, compromising multiple country-code top-level domains putting all the traffic of every domain at risk. The presenters will also discuss measures already implemented by ICANN to address these threats and discuss ways in which the multistakeholder community can best support their implementation. This session complements the ongoing community discussion on balancing privacy and security as well as reflects the cybersecurity focus set for ICANN by the Board in the 2019/20 yearly plan.
Session Leader: Gisella Gruber
Staff Facilitator: Heidi Ullrich
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