GNSO - (RrSG) - Preview: Registrant whois experience study
10:30 - 12:00 UTC on Thursday, 17 June
Zoom 4 (GNSO)
12:30 CEST, 17 June 2021
10:30 UTC, 17 June 2021
ID# 12490
Session Recordings
Session Details
This session, which builds upon SAC-023, will outline a process, with some early findings related to sampling the impacts of unredacted contact information in RDDS to determine if it introduces harms, invites undue harassment of registrants, or becomes a vector for illegal activities. It will include a presentation summarizing the study, including scope, methodology, and goals. The RrSG will also solicit feedback from the ICANN community to improve the study design.
ICANN71 GNSO Policy Briefing:
Agenda wiki page:
Session Leader: Zoe Bonython
Staff Facilitator: Nathalie Peregrine