ccNSO: DNS Abuse - What's the role of the ccNSO? (1 of 2)
21:30 - 23:00 UTC on Wednesday, October 27
Zoom 5
14:30 PDT (UTC-7), 27 October 2021
21:30 UTC, 27 October 2021
ID# 12555
Session Recordings
Session Details
The purpose of the session is to understand what the community, specifically ccTLDs, expect the ccNSO to do with respect to DNS Abuse.
Recently some members of the ccTLD and broader ICANN community suggested that the ccNSO should play a more active role with respect to DNS Abuse. ccTLDs participate in discussions in their respective countries and regions and presented on the topic during Tech Day and ccTLD News sessions. To date the ccNSO has organised briefing and members meeting sessions.
Although from a ccTLD perspective, local and regional initiatives are the most relevant, a ccNSO that is more active in this area may assist ccTLDs and other stakeholders.
Based on the guidance the ccTLD community, and broader community provide during the session the ccNSO Council will plan, how the ccNSO should could get more involved in the discussions pertaining to DNS Abuse and related activities. Such a plan - if any - will be shared and discussed with the community at their next meeting (ICANN73 or intersessional webinar, depending on what is most appropriate).
Session Leader: Bart Boswinkel
Staff Facilitator: Kimberly Carlson