11:15 - 12:30 UTC on Monday, June 13
Amazon (GNSO)
13:15 CEST (UTC+2), 13 June 2022
11:15 UTC, 13 June 2022
ID# 12739
Session Details
The expedited policy development process (EPDP) Phase 2 Small Team was formed by the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council to consider the concerns outlined in the ICANN Board letter (see and with these concerns in mind analyze the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment (see and provide the Council with its feedback on:
? Whether the ODA has correctly interpreted the intent of the SSAD recommendations in the proposed implementation;? Whether the Operational Design Phase (ODP) has overlooked any key aspects of the SSAD recommendations that should be factored in by the ICANN Board when it considers the recommendations;? Its view on the concerns identified by the ICANN Board and potential options that could be considered, either in the form of changes to the proposed implementation or the policy recommendations themselves, to address these concerns (note, these are expected to be high level suggestions at this stage);? Any other aspects that help inform the Council’s deliberations and consultation with the ICANN Board.
The Small Team delivered its Preliminary Report to the GNSO Council on 4 April (see and is expected to finalize its report by the end of June.
GNSO Policy Briefing for ICANN74:
Agenda wiki page:
Session Leader: Marika Konings
Staff Facilitator: Nathalie Peregrine
Session Recordings