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Re: Attn Esther Dyson pls, re nomination of Dr Raymond Rodgers

Particularly important, in view of the "US dominated" criticisms, see
the (1971) *Appendices / Canadian Perspective* at www.vcn.bc.ca/web-prophet
[yes, that's 'Seventy-one - in a book predicting an "electronic web"].

On Thu, 19 Nov 1998, Vancouver University - Colleges Worldwide wrote:
> At this early and critical stage of ICANN, we urge that Esther Dyson and 
> colleagues quickly refer to www.vcn.bc.ca/web-prophet (name is for humour, 
> not flaky!) and consider Dr Rodgers for Board inclusion.
> Li-kuan Tham
> --
> This message is from the Registry (Learning Credentials Credit Bank)
> unless otherwise indicated.

This message is from the Registry (Learning Credentials Credit Bank)
unless otherwise indicated.