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Re: Oppose NSI's redefinition of TLD constituencies

>> Even more problematic is the contradictory effect of the "open" vs.
>> "closed" redefinition of the current ccTLD structure (RFC1591) on the
>> concept of "sovereignty."
>> In effect, a closed vs. open policy says, "You can have 'sovereignty'
>> over your ccTLD if you agree to obey ICANN's rules.

Why does this phrase sound so familiar to me, I'm just wondering ... ;->>>

>From the very beginning of ICANN creation, I was trying to find any track
of the term ccTLD in the bylaws and other documents. Having in mind the
way how ICANN was created and the role of NSI in that process, I didn't
expect to find that term anyway. Why? Simply - a strategy of NSI, which
could be seen from the first moment (and now it is very clear), was to
make an equality sign between gTLDs and ccTLDs and to apply the same
rulesets for two completely different registry worlds.

With this open/closed registry game, NSI is trying to neglect an imporant
fact: each ccTLD represents a territory, recognized by the ISO 3166/MA.
It is true that some of the ccTLDs are more open to the international
market than the other ones. But that is mostly done because the Internet
community, living on the territory represented by the ccTLD, wants or
agrees to be so.

By introducing open and closed registries, ICANN will have two choices:

* To give more strict definitions of "open" and "closed" registry, which
  will push them to interfere deeper with registry operations worldwide
  and, consequently, to go deep into sensitive political issues, or:

* To keep a definition of "closed" registry as a registry with a police
  dependent on the intended use, geography or other criteria. In such a
  case, almost all registries will chose the "closed" option, which will
  give them more freedom to define elastic policies (for example, the
  policy to register foreign trademark can be an example of "other

In other words, this classification is useless. ;-)


| --+-- |  Berislav Todorovic, B.Sc.E.E.     | E-mail: BERI@etf.bg.ac.yu
|  /|\     Hostmaster of the YU TLD          | 
|-(-+-)-|  School of Electrical Engineering  | Phone:  (+381-11) 3221-419
|  \|/     Bulevar Revolucije 73             |                   3218-350
| --+-- |  11000 Belgrade SERBIA, YUGOSLAVIA | Fax:    (+381-11) 3248-681
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