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ICANN Board-

I believe it is incumbent on you to announce before the event how
you mean to handle the formation of debated constituencies in Berlin
so as to reassure everyone that the procedures will not be
manipulated depending on circumstances. For example: Will messages
of support be counted, or will you be giving the DNSO constituencies
to those who have brought to Berlin the most supporters? If you
don't announce these rules beforehand, people there might imagine
that you made the rules up on the spot as a response to the balance
of power in the constituency meetings on the 25th.

Other questions, no less urgent, need to be addressed by you:

Will there be voting?

How will you handle all the disaffected people, from the NCDNHC, the
Trademark Constituency, the ccTLD Constituency, and the others? Are
you going to put them out of the DNSO? Create a constituency for the
"losers"? Tell them to swear allegiance to their enemies?

What are you going to tell all the individuals who come to Berlin
but can't find any constituency to join, since you have created none
for individuals? Ask them politely to go home? Tell them to wait
until next year when the At-large membership may have gotten formed?

Thanks for a prompt reply to these important questions, which must
be on everyone's mind and need to be answered before Berlin, at
least as to the methods you plan to use there to resolve them, so
that the meetings don't turn into resentment and chaos.

Michael Sondow

  "The course of the past has impressed us with the firm 
   conviction that no good ever comes of falsehood, and we
   feel warranted in refusing even to experiment in that
                       -- Thomas Henry Huxley
International Congress of Independent Internet Users (ICIIU) 
        http://www.iciiu.org       iciiu@iciiu.org 