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Internet users and their needs
- To: ICANN <comments@icann.org>, Esther Dyson <edyson@edventure.com>, Mike Roberts <roberts@icann.org>, Beckwith Burr <bburr@ntia.doc.gov>
- Subject: Internet users and their needs
- From: Michael Sondow <msondow@iciiu.org>
- Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 10:03:03 -0400
- CC: Paul Twomey <paul.twomey@noie.gov.au>, Nikki Vajrabukka <nikki.vajrabukka@noie.gov.au>, WTO Trade Policy Review Board <tprmaster@wto.org>, George Conrades <gconrades@icann.org>, George Conrades <gconrades@polarisventures.com>, Greg Crew <gregcrew@iaccess.com.au>, Frank Fitzsimmons <fitzsimmon@dnb.com>, Hans Kraaijenbrink <H.Kraaijenbrink@kpn-telecom.nl>, Professor Jun Marai <junsec@wide.ad.jp>, Geraldine Capdeboscq <geraldine.capdeboscq@bull.fr>, Eugenio Triana <etrigar@teleline.es>, "Linda S. Wilson" <linda_wilson@radcliffe.edu>, Joe Sims <Joe_Sims@jonesday.com>, Al Gore <vice.president@whitehouse.gov>, Chip Pickering <Charles.Pickering@mail.house.gov>, Connie Morella <Rep.Morella@mail.house.gov>, Thomas Davis <tom.davis@mail.house.gov>, Gil Gutknecht <gil.gutknecht@mail.house.gov>, Eddie Bernice Johnson <rep.e.b.johnson@mail.house.gov>, Jim Barcia <jim.barcia-pub@mail.house.gov>, Mark Harrington <Mark.Harrington@mail.house.gov>, Richard Russell <Richard.Russell@mail.house.gov>, Paul Scolese <paul.scolese@mail.house.gov>, James Tierney <james.tierney@usdoj.gov>, William Daley <wdaley@doc.gov>, Madeleine Albright <malbright@state.gov>, Theresa Amato <amato@Essential.ORG>, James Love <love@cptech.org>, Jay Fenello <Jay@pdnha.org>, Ronda Hauben <ronda@panix.com>, Karl Auerbach <karl@cavebear.com>, Larry Irving <lirving@ntia.doc.gov>, Gordon Cook <cook@cookreport.com>, Tony Rutkowski <amr@netmagic.com>, Tom Lowenhaupt <toml@communisphere.com>, Nick Patience <nick@computerwire.com>, Jeri Clausing <jeri@nytimes.com>, "U.S. Ho. of Reps. Commerce Committee" <commerce@mail.house.gov>, "U.S. Secretary of State" <secretary@state.gov>, Milton Mueller <mueller@syr.edu>, Ellen Rony <erony@marin.k12.ca.us>, Ronald Wyden <senator@wyden.senate.gov>, Jonathan Zittrain <zittrain@cyber.law.harvard.edu>, Larry Lessig <lessig@POBOX.COM>, Shari Steele <ssteele@eff.org>, Troy Davis <troy@nack.net>, Erick Iriarte <faia@amauta.rcp.net.pe>, Eberhard W Lisse <el@linux.lisse.na>, Willie Schatz <willie@his.com>, "Kevin M. Kelly" <Webmaster@BioAnth.org>, "Hector L. Rodriguez Milla" <hectorrm@comtelca.hn>, SLanfranco@dkglobal.org, Jeff Graber <jgraber@usa.net>, Courtney Macavinta <courtm@cnet.com>, Howard Sartori <howard@sartori.com>, Kathryn Kleiman <KathrynKL@aol.com>, "Bret A. Fausett" <baf@fausett.com>, ENREDO <enredo@reacciun.ve>, Francis Gurry <francis.gurry@wipo.int>, WTO Media <media@wto.org>, "Lidia Carlos-Silvetti (ERAD)" <Lidia.Carlos@wto.org>, Committee on Trade and Development <comtd@wto.org>, Trade and Development Center <devitd@wto.org>, WTO Forum on Regionalism <colette.obyrne@wto.org>, WTO Information <enquiries@wto.org>
- References: <3723366B.567C6895@iciiu.org> <37271F82.BFE78F3D@iciiu.org> <372E6AAD.8490DEF4@iciiu.org> <372E753B.312003C7@iciiu.org> <372E75C7.ED4D5E7@iciiu.org> <372E76B1.69824935@iciiu.org> <372E76E6.C5F6CAE5@iciiu.org> <372F2939.23AABBFD@iciiu.org> <372F9F5A.58D466D1@iciiu.org> <372FF485.CE6F6BB7@iciiu.org> <3730E536.61C9C6FF@iciiu.org> <37330D51.88726D55@iciiu.org> <373312CB.970AA9@iciiu.org> <3738F213.9B8988DA@iciiu.org> <3739BAC6.AF93A37A@iciiu.org> <373AD706.720CEA60@iciiu.org>
Michael Roberts, Beckwith Burr, Esther Dyson, and the ICANN Board-
In its Memorandum of Understanding with ICANN, the U.S. Department
of Commerce committed itself to, among other things, promote "the
technical management of the DNS in a manner that reflects the global
and functional diversity of Internet users and their needs."
In the light of this commitment, could you please tell us which of
the following consumer organizations were consulted in the
formulation of policy for the Registrar/Registrant relationship as
embodied in the contractual Registrar/Registrant provisions of the
Registrar Accreditation Agreement?
Thank you.
M. Sondow
International Congress of Independent Internet Users (ICIIU)
http://www.iciiu.org iciiu@iciiu.org
World Consumer Protection Organization
Consumer Project on Technology
Consumer Federation of America
Consumer Alert
National Consumer Coalition
American Counsel on Consumer Interests
Consumers Union of the U.S.
Consumers INternational
Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue
Liga Acci�n del Consumidor
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Australian Consumers' Association
Consumer Affairs Council of the ACT
Consumers Federation of Australia
Bureau Europ�en des Unions de Consommateurs
Instituto Brasileiro de Politica e Direito do Consumidor
Consumers Association of Canada
Organizaci�n de Consumidores y Usuarios de Chile
Consumer Council, Denmark
Suomen Kuluttajaliitto
Organisation G�n�rale des Consommateurs, France
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucherverb�nde
Kentro Prostasias Katanaloton
Hong Kong Consumer Council
National Association for Consumer Protection in Hungary
Indian Federation of Consumer Organisations
Consumers Association of Ireland
Comitato Difesa Consumatori
Consumers Union of Japan
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations
Procuraduria Federal del Consumidor
Association Marocaine des Consommateurs
Nederlands Consumentenbond
Consumers Institute of New Zealand
Consumers Federated Groups of the Philippines
Russian Consumer League
Association of Slovak Consumers
Consumers Institute of South Africa
Consumers Union of Korea
Federaci�n de Usuarios y Consumidores Independientes de Espagna
Sveriges Konsumentr�d
Consumers' Foundation, Chinese Taipei
Uganda Consumers Protection Association
Ukrainian State Committee for Protection of Consumer Rights
National Consumer Council (UK)