Schedule: Monday, 02 March 2009
Sunday, 1 March 2009
What it is | Meeting of the Fast Flux Working Group
Why it's important | In May 2008, the GNSO Council initiated a Policy Development Process (PDP) and called for the creation of a working group on fast flux. The working group was asked to consider a number of questions relating to fast flux. The Fast Flux Working Group started its deliberations in June 2008 and published an Initial Report in January 2009. In this report, the Working Group has provided initial answers to the charter questions, has drawn interim conclusions and has provided a number of ideas for possible next steps. Following a the publication of the Initial Report, a public comment period was opened to which 25 responses were received. In this meeting, the Working Group will review and analyze the public comments received, and, discuss next steps.
Who should attend? | Anyone interested in Fast Flux and/or GNSO policy development.
Links to information: Fast Flux Hosting Initial Report -
Summary of public comments received -
Public comment forum -
What it is | At this session ICANN Staff will give an introduction to internationalised domain names (IDNs). The session should cover basic concepts as well as technical rules to be followed if an IDN is considered for future new TLD applications. A short IDNA protocol revision status may be provided as well.
Why it's important | IDNs are functioning differently for different users due to their implementations at the application layer. It is important to understand how this functions and what the implications and possible trade offs are in order to serve your customers and clients best possible.
Who should attend? | All interested in learning basics about IDNs and New TLDs
What it is | At this session ICANN Staff will give an introduction to internationalised domain names (IDNs). The session should cover basic concepts as well as technical rules to be followed if an IDN is considered for future new TLD applications. A short IDNA protocol revision status may be provided as well.
Why it's important | IDNs are functioning differently for different users due to their implementations at the application layer. It is important to understand how this functions and what the implications and possible trade offs are in order to serve your customers and clients best possible.
Who should attend? | All interested in learning basics about IDNs and New TLDs
What it is | One of the highlights of the Summit is the opportunity for each At-Large Structure (ALS) to exhibit their activities through the submission of posters, written material, audio and audiovisual works, and online materials to the Fair and Poster Exhibition that will be on permanent display throughout the ICANN meeting for all meeting attendees to see. The opening event will give each ALS representative an opportunity to view the ICANN-related activities of the participating ALS organisations and interact with one another in an informal atmosphere.
The opening will feature hosted beer, wine, and soft drinks, as well as hors d’oeuvres.
The attendees from the ICANN Fellowship Programme will be joining the Summit delegates at this event, giving ALSes a chance to meet and speak to this group of attendees, who are new to the ICANN community.
Why it is important | This is a unique opportunity for the whole At-Large community to meet and discuss issues with their fellow delegates in an informal setting and to meet with Fellowship Programme participants. It is also an opportunity for all delegates to see and be shown information on the activities of their At-Large colleagues throughout the world in an interactive, hands-on way.
Who should attend? | At-Large Summit delegates, Fellowship programme participants, and supporting staff for both. Others may attend by invitation only.
Interpretation | Informal interpretation provided by participants.
Remote Participation Options | There will be no remote participation for this session.
Summit Microsite | The At-Large Summit microsite has complete information at
Background: What is the “At-Large Summit”?
The Mexico City meeting is a landmark for ICANN’s At-Large community (“At-Large” is the name used for the individual Internet user community participating in ICANN).
The whole At-Large community will be meeting together face-to-face in the ‘At-Large Summit’. Approximately 90 representatives of At-Large organisations (called “At-Large Structures”) are already confirmed. You will be able to spot them easily, as each will have a ribbon indicating their status as a Summit delegate attached to their ICANN meeting badges.
The Summit is being held 28 February through 5 March 2009 at the Mexico City Sheraton and also at the nearby Melia Mexico Reforma Hotel. All ICANN meeting attendees are invited and encouraged to attend the sessions, all of which are open to everyone.
As proposed by the At-Large community, the Summit has the following objectives:
- Develop the community’s capacity for engagement in ICANN by increasing its knowledge and understanding of the key issues confronting ICANN and ICANN’s roles and responsibilities;
- Provide an opportunity for the community to finalise and present its advice on some of the most important issues facing the ICANN community today; and last but not least,
- Highlight the successes of the community in recent years and build upon them to ensure that the interests of the world’s more than 1 billion individual Internet users are well represented in the development of Internet name and number policy.
Monday, 2 March 2009
What it is | A daily opportunity for the selected Fellowship participants to engage in dialogue with topical presenters from the ICANN community and program alumni to learn more about certain aspects of ICANN and it's Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees, or hot topics of this particular ICANN meeting, as well as ask questions in a smaller setting.
Why it's important | The fellowship participants represent developing and underdeveloped countries within the 5 ICANN regions; they are the building blocks for the next generation of ICANN. By participating in the ICANN meetings, fellows can better support ICANN's mission and goals, by advancing the knowledge and education in their own country.
Who should attend? | Anyone who would like to learn more about the program, its participants, and why they are important to the growth and expansion of the ICANN community and mission.
What it is | First meeting of the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group
Why is it important | On 25 September 2008, the GNSO Council adopted a motion requesting an issues report on registration abuse provisions in registry-registrar agreements. The issues report identifies existing provisions in registry-registrar agreements relating to abuse and identifies and describes potential options for further Council consideration. The Council voted at its meeting on 18 December to form a drafting team to create a proposed charter for a working group to investigate the open issues documented in the issues report on Registrations Abuse Policies. The drafting team presented a charter for a Working Group to further investigate these open issues, such as the difference between registration abuse and domain name use abuse; and how effective existing registration abuse policies are; and which areas, if any, would be suitable for GNSO policy development to address registration abuse, to the Council which adopted the charter at its meeting on 19 February. A call for volunteers to join the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group was launched subsequently.
Who should attend? | Anyone interested in joining the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group
Further information:
Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report -
Registration Abuse Policies Working Group Charter -