Schedule: GNSO

Saturday, 28 February 2009

(All day)
Don Diego 2

(All day)

09:00 - 17:30
Don Diego 4

Sunday, 1 March 2009

(All day)
Don Diego 2

(All day)

14:00 - 15:30
Don Diego 2

What it is | Meeting of the Fast Flux Working Group

Why it's important |  In May 2008, the GNSO Council initiated a Policy Development Process (PDP) and called for the creation of a working group on fast flux. The working group was asked to consider a number of questions relating to fast flux. The Fast Flux Working Group started its deliberations in June 2008 and published an Initial Report in January 2009. In this report, the Working Group has provided initial answers to the charter questions, has drawn interim conclusions and has provided a number of ideas for possible next steps. Following a the publication of the Initial Report, a public comment period was opened to which 25 responses were received. In this meeting, the Working Group will review and analyze the public comments received, and, discuss next steps.

Who should attend? | Anyone interested in Fast Flux and/or GNSO policy development.

Links to information: Fast Flux Hosting Initial Report -
Summary of public comments received -
Public comment forum -

Monday, 2 March 2009

(All day)

07:00 - 08:00
Don Diego 4

What it is |  First meeting of the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group

Why is it important | On 25 September 2008, the GNSO Council adopted a motion requesting an issues report on registration abuse provisions in registry-registrar agreements. The issues report identifies existing provisions in registry-registrar agreements relating to abuse and identifies and describes potential options for further Council consideration. The Council voted at its meeting on 18 December to form a drafting team to create a proposed charter for a working group to investigate the open issues documented in the issues report on Registrations Abuse Policies. The drafting team presented a charter for a Working Group to further investigate these open issues, such as the difference between registration abuse and domain name use abuse; and how effective existing registration abuse policies are; and which areas, if any, would be suitable for GNSO policy development to address registration abuse, to the Council which adopted the charter at its meeting on 19 February. A call for volunteers to join the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group was launched subsequently.

Who should attend? | Anyone interested in joining the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group

Further information:

Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report -
Registration Abuse Policies Working Group Charter -

18:00 - 19:30
Don Diego 1

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

(All day)