ASIWIG Meeting

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06/22/2008 - 13:00
06/22/2008 - 17:00
What it is | The Arabic Script IDN WG ASIWG is a self-organising group that consists of interested parties in the implementation of Arabic script in Internationalised Domain Names. The membership is open to all concerned and contributing stakeholders.

Why it's important | The group was initially formed via the facilitation of UN ESCWA, PIR and Afilias in late March 2008. The group is comprised of linguists and IDN who collaborate on identifying the challenges with respect to the Arabic script use in. ASIWG has already identified and presented a layered model to address these issues. The proposed model is composed of 4 layers: protocol, script, Registry, and application. Extensive and interactive discussions have taken place with regard to the process or the mechanism of sorting out technical and policy issues at the various levels from the protocol all the way up to the application and user interface levels The goal is to eventually determine solutions that are satisfactory to the end user while at the same time assuring security and interoperability of the Internet. The main page is at

Who should attend? | The last two meetings held in April and May have concentrated on the technical discussions. This meeting will focus on recapping some of the findings as well as organisational issues to continue the progress the group has made. The meeting will be of interest to stakeholders with an interest in implementing Arabic script IDNs and contributing to the work of the group members from a linguistic, technical and policy perspective.