APRALO Monthly Meeting

Tue 27 Oct 2009 - 12:30 - 14:00
Garnet (L37)
High Bandwidth

Interpretation: There will be no simultaneous interpretation for this session.
What it is: The monthly meeting of the Asia, Australasia and the Pacific Islands RALO (“APRALO”)

Why it is important:
The monthly meetings of each RALO are an important opportunity for the region to coordinate, discuss policy views and track work progress on their agenda.

Who should attend:
Members of APRALO and anyone else interested in the Asia-Australasia and Pacific Islands At-Large regional community.



Remote Participation Options:

Telephonic remote participation (English only)

Instructions on how to participate remotely may be found at this URL: http://www.atlarge.icann.org/teleconference-participation-en

Chat between remote participants and those in the room

Chatroom: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/apralo27102009/




  • 1. Welcome to OSIA (KT; 5 min)
  • 2. Introduction of newly appointed/re-elected APRALO-based leadership (KT; 5
  • 3. Seoul Meeting - update from Seoul (Various; 15 min)
    • New gTLDs/DAG (Cheryl, James, Pavan; 10 min)
    • IDN, IRT (Hong; 5 min)
  • 4. Process to select the At-Large Voting Board Director (Cheryl; 10 min)
  • 5. Review of At-Large Implementation Plan and Next Steps (Cheryl; 10 min)
  • 6. Increasing levels of participation in APRALO (KT; 10)
  • 7. Strategic Planning for FY11 (Cheryl, 5 min)
  • 8. Joint ALAC-GNSO RAA Related Activities (Cheryl, 5 min)
  • 9. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Cheryl, Vivek; 5 min)
  • 10. Presentation by Netmission (Netmission representatives; 10 min)