What it is | This is an open meeting of the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group to observe for members of the ICANN Community. There will be time reserved in the meeting for Q&A with members of the community, in order to inform the community of our ongoing work.
Why it's Important | Registries and registrars seem to lack uniform approaches to dealing with domain name registration abuse, and questions persist as to what actions "registration abuse" refers to. The GNSO Council has launched a Registration Abuse Policies (RAP) Working Group to take a closer look at registration abuse policies.
Who should attend? | Anyone interested in Registration Abuse Policies and GNSO policy development.
Agenda – RAP WG Meeting
1. Roll-call.
2. PPT update: WG history and issues
3. updates from sub-groups:
a. Update from the “uniformity in contracts” group. What are the benefits of uniformity, and what specifically might the group recommend? Previous findings: http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-rap-dt/msg00363.html
b. Spam/phishing/malware. Discuss a concise statement of the problem/issue as a way to help crystallize the issues. What are the policy issues here, and what might fall into other areas such as best practices? Background summarized at: https://st.icann.org/reg-abuse-wg/index.cgi?phishing_spam_malware
Last 30 minutes:
4. Questions and discussion with audience.
5. Discuss delivery of Initial Report by Nairobi ICANN meeting (March 7-12, 2010)
Please see the RAP Working Group Workspace for further information: https://st.icann.org/reg-abuse-wg/index.cgi?registration_abuse_policies_...