Review of the Nominating Committee: Presentation of the WG Report

Wed 28 Oct 2009 - 11:00 - 12:30
Garnet (L37)
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What it is |  This is the presentation to community of the draft report of the Nominating Committee review Working Group, containing recommendations to the Structural Improvements Committee and the Board.

Why it's important |  The Nominating Committee review WG follows up on the independent review finalized at the end of 2007 by external consultants. The first positions expressed in 2008 by the WG needed to be validated once terminated the process of review of other key structures of ICANN, which are strictly interlinked with the review of the NomCom. The NomCom review WG has recently updated the initial findings from the early phases of the review and presents now its draft recommendations, for public consultation.
The outcome of this review is particularly important in consideration of the high significance of the role plaid by the Nominating Committee of ICANN in terms of selection of individuals that will be called to play a key role of governance of the organization.

Who should attend?

  • Past and present Chairs and Members of the Nominating Committee: this will be a crucial occasion to interact with the WG after the workshops recently organized in Mexico City and in Sydney that allowed the WG to progress on its work
  • Members of the community interested in the review of key structures of the organization, and on the interlinks between this review and other key reviews of ICANN
  • Members of the Board, who will have an occasion to hear the voices of the interested members of the community before taking a decision on the measures proposed by the report of the WG
Agenda Details: 
  • Thomas Roessler (Chair NomCom review WG) and Marco Lorenzoni (Director, Organizational reviews): presentation of the WG report
  • Members of the Board review WG: Jonathan Cohen, Steve Goldstein, Alejandro Pisanty: agenda items to be confirmed
  • Comments from participants: open microphone