SSAC Review: Presentation of the Draft Report of the Review Working Group

Wed 28 Oct 2009 - 14:00 - 15:30
Garnet (L37)
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What it is | This is the presentation to community of the draft report of the SSAC review Working Group, commenting on the recommendations issued by external reviewers.

Why it's Important | The report from the SSAC review WG follows up on the independent review finalized in May 2009 by external consultants. After this report –submitted to public comments- the SSAC community undertook an internal self-review exercise, which resulted in a report to the WG, where –commenting on the recommendations of reviewers- they formulated their proposals for the reform of the Committee. In their report, the SSAC review WG comments both on the original report from reviewers and on the proposals issued by SSAC.

The session is important to allow interested parties to exchange their views with the WG on its draft conclusions before their finalization.

Who should attend? |

• Members of SSAC interested in the process of improvement of their Committee

• Members of the community interested in the review of key structures of the organization, and on the process of consultation between different parties of ICANN

• Members of the Board, who will have an occasion to hear the voices of the interested members of the community before taking a decision on the measures proposed by the report of the WG

Agenda Details: 

• Dennis Jennings (Chair SSAC review WG) and Marco Lorenzoni (Director, Organizational reviews): presentation of the WG report

• Suzanne Woolf (Member of the SSAC review WG): agenda items to be confirmed