C41. Do you propose to seek to qualify to receive any funds from this
Yes.� The DotOrg Foundation believes that by virtue of its non-profit
status and its commitment to fulfill the principles and criteria for the
.org TLD that are stated in the ICANN RFP, it qualifies to receive the
full amount of $5 million dollars in endowment funds upon award of the
registry agreement to the DotOrg Foundation.�� See description of proposed
terms and uses in Questions C41.1 and C41.2 below.
C41.1. If so, describe in detail how you propose
to use this endowment. Include the commitments you propose to make about
the uses to which the endowment would be put. Explain why those uses are
consistent with the smooth, stable transition and operation of the .org
TLD for the benefit of current and future .org registrants.
This endowment fundamentally would �be used to fund future operating
costs of the nonprofit entity designated by ICANN as successor operator
of the .org registry.� (ICANN-VeriSign Agreement, Section 5.1.4, italics
Use of the Endowment�
The term �operating costs of the nonprofit entity� logically encompasses
not just maintenance of the technical status quo such as the stable transition
of the registry database and provision of registry functions, but also
the enhancement of registry services, such as building a �thick� Whois
database and others of benefit to the noncommercial community.� The cost
of operating a registry also includes technical and other support and
outreach to the users of the registry.� Since one of the goals of the
transition to a new registry operator is to enhance the participation
of noncommercial registrants, the DotOrg Foundation also believes that
the goal of the endowment would be best served if in part it is used to
increase noncommercial registrations, by among other things, using the
endowment to:
- Lower registry fees;
- Build additional services at the registry level to support and attract
the noncommercial sector;
- Provide outreach and educational services to this sector; and
- Potentially facilitate organizations in under-served regions to become
accredited registrars, or work with accredited registrars to service
noncommercial registrants in their regions.
The DotOrg Foundation believes that the endowment should be prudently
maintained to last through the term of the registry agreement and be available
for the variety of operational goals. In order to do so, the DotOrg Foundation
proposes the following incremental allocations of the endowment funds:
(1)Upon execution of a registry agreement between ICANN and the DotOrg
Foundation, the DotOrg Foundation shall have access to:
- $500,000 to assist DotOrg Foundation with its startup and transition
- $1,000,000 to meet initial working capital requirements of the new
nonprofit registry operator, and to reduce by a similar amount projected
working capital loans that would otherwise be necessary. [See answer
to Question C7 and Attachment E1 for the DotOrg Foundation initial budget.]
(2) Upon adoption by the DotOrg Foundation Board after vetting through
open and participatory policy processes of a plan to improve access and
decrease registry fees, the Foundation shall have access to funds in an
amount not to exceed $1,000,000 to meet the financial requirements of
such a plan.� Such a plan would be. [See our responses to Questions C26
and C38 for description of initial access and fee decrease plans.]
(3) Of the remaining $2,500,000 plus future interest earned, one-half
would be reserved for potential continuing implementation of the plan
described in paragraph (2).� The disbursements would be made annually,
based on the budget adopted by the Foundation�s Board.� The remaining
half shall be disbursed in one or more annual installments to support
such operational needs as may not be covered by registry fees and other
such enhanced registry services as are planned by the DotOrg Foundation.�
All Foundation plans would be based on open and transparent consultation
with its established advisory structure.
Consistency with Goals
The uses of the endowment described above are consistent with the smooth,
stable transition and operation of the .org TLD for the benefit of current
and future .org registrants:
1) The initial portion of the endowment
used to fund the start-up and transition is fundamental to the goal
of stable operations. This portion would cover a number of necessary
steps including negotiating agreements with registrars; notifying and
training registrars with regard to any transition and new .org registry
policies, systems or processes; hiring the full staff complement needed
to support registry operations; and establishing and implementing the
governance and outreach mechanisms needed for the benefit of current
and future registrants. While the subcontractor will build out technology
to support the transition of the registry function, the DotOrg Foundation
must take steps to complement such a build out, oversee it, and liaise
with ICANN, registrars and the public interested in the .org TLD.
2) The second portion would support
the DotOrg Foundation�s continuation of and expansion upon the start
up activities. Fundamentally, the Foundation must ensure that the registry
is managed in a stable and secure manner. This requires it to have the
staff and resources to oversee its subcontractors, to conduct outreach
to registrars and other .org stakeholders, to respond to any concerns
from these communities, and facilitate the Board mandate to make management
and policy decisions that maintain stability and enhance registry services.
Together, the initial two portions fund the DotOrg Foundation�s ability
to carry out these functions during the interim start-up and operations
term before new registrations and renewal fees are available to support
the registry�s budget.
3) Finally, .org registrants benefit
by receiving expanded and improved services, if possible, at a lower
price. This is precisely what the next several portions of the endowment
are designed to do.
As technical advancements and new protocol designs have come into the
domain name sector, registrars and registrants have come to expect a
more advanced registry than one provided by the legacy .org system.
This may mean a number of things -- from a thick Whois, which is planned
for the initial transition, to processing multilingual registrations,
which depends on IETF consensus, to yet unexplored services such as
advanced searchability. In addition, there are services that are particularly
useful for the noncommercial sector and should therefore expand their
registrations in the .org TLD. To benefit current and future registrants
and make the .org registry competitive in the current environment, the
endowment would appropriately fund development and implementation of
such improvements.
At the same time, lower registry fees would benefit the .org community
and increase competition. The DotOrg Foundation, however, anticipates
that it would not be able to support such discounts under its current
revenue projections. Therefore it would seek to support lower fees through
drawdowns from the endowment. The DotOrg Foundation believes that these
contemplated uses of the endowment are not just consistent with, but
fundamental to, smooth and stable operations for the benefit of all
.org registrants.
C41.2. If you propose to seek to qualify to receive
the endowment funds, explain why you believe that your proposed use is
consistent with the terms of the endowment.
The DotOrg Foundation�s proposal would qualify for the endowment for
several reasons.�
First, it would be the operator of the .org TLD.� Second it is a nonprofit,
as contemplated in the agreement.
DotOrg Foundation believes that uses of the five million dollar endowment
should be determined based on a set of principles, including the following:
(a)� Consistent with the limitation that the funds are only available
if a nonprofit entity is selected to be the new registry manager, they
should be used in part to defray registry costs that a nonprofit operator
has greater difficulty in accommodating than would a privately funded
for-profit operator.
(b)� Consistent with the deliberations of the Names Council Task Force
on .org, and the many public comments received during that process and
before the ICANN Board at the meeting in Accra, Ghana during consideration
of the future of .org, the funds should be used in part to support the
costs of projects that enhance the accessibility, affordability and
enhancement of the utility and functionality of .org registry services.
(c)� Given the fact that neither VeriSign nor ICANN have adopted detailed
criteria for the use of these funds, a significant amount should be
initially reserved for future use as determined by the DotOrg Foundation
Board, acting after consultation with the .org registrar and registrant
communities through its Advisory Council. Please See our description
of an advisory structure in our response to Question C35.
(d)� Given the fact that no specific endowment terms are included in
the ICANN-VeriSign contract, the DotOrg Foundation Board believes that
the entire sum should be treated as a term endowment, the principle
and income of which are to be expended over the initial six year term
of the registry agreement between ICANN and DotOrg Foundation.
[4] � This gradual schedule allows for oversight by ICANN of the
operation of the new registry and the consistent use of the endowment.�
Furthermore, the Board believes that this treatment of the endowment
is consistent with generally accepted accounting principles for nonprofit
organizations.� The gradual nature of the disbursements appropriately
balances the need for immediate assistance to the new nonprofit operator
with the goals of providing enhanced accessibility, affordability and
functionality of the registry over time.C41.1. If so, describe in detail
how you propose to use this endowment. Include the commitments you propose
to make about the uses to which the endowment would be put. Explain
why those uses are consistent with the smooth, stable transition and
operation of the .org TLD for the benefit of current and future .org
[4] The Foundation believes
that if ICANN transfers the endowment without restrictions on the organization's
ability to spend it currently, the funds would be unrestricted and therefore
expenditure of the principal would be consistent with nonprofit accounting
principles.� If, however, the endowment is restricted in a manner that
prevents depletion of the principal, the DotOrg Foundation is prepared
to coordinate with ICANN in revising its plans to expend only the permissible
� or interest � portion of the endowment.�