I. General Information About the Applicant
C1. The first section of the .org Proposal (after the signed copy of this
document) covers general information about the applicant. Please key your
responses to the designators (C2, C3, C4, etc.) below.
The following sections C2 - C9 contain general information regarding the
C2. The full legal name, principal address, telephone and fax numbers, and
e-mail address of the applicant, and the URL of its principal world wide web
Union of International Associations (UIA)
rue Washington 40,
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: +32 - (0) 2 - 640 18 08
Fax: 643 61 99
E-mail: uia@uia.be
Web page: www.uia.org
C3. A general description of the applicant's business and other
The Union of International Associations (UIA) is an independent,
non-governmental, non-profit body that is apolitical in character. Its
programmes are oriented toward the community of international associations whose
actions they are designed to facilitate, whether through special studies or
through new uses of information.
UIA was founded 1 June 1907, Brussels, as Central Office of International
Associations, by Henri La Fontaine (Nobel
Peace Prize 1913) and Paul Otlet, Secretary-General of the then International
Institute of Bibliography (see
more about Paul Otlet), which subsequently became the International
Federation for Information and Documentation (FID), and with which UIA
activities were closely associated. UIA became a federation, under the present
name, at the 1st World Congress of International Organizations (Brussels,
For nearly a century, , UIA has acted as a clearinghouse for information on
international organizations and their constituencies and has been a pioneer in
the provision of information on international organizations and their global
The UIA maintains inter-related databases on over 50,000 intergovernmental
and nongovernmental (NGO) organizations (and their meetings), 56,000
world problems, 33,000 organizational action strategies, as well
as on 3,200 human values and 4,800 approaches to human development,
as well as international meetings, biographical profiles of civil society
executives, integrative concepts, and metaphors of relevance to
governance. Items in each database are extensively hyperlinked amongst
themselves and to other databases. URLs and/or email addresses are provided to
over 26,000 internet resources of international bodies [http://www.uia.org/data.htm]
The prime sources of information are the international networks of
governmental and civil society bodies profiled in the organization's database --
notably through the documents they produce, especially on the web. The
information is selectively restructured to reflect the insights of
constituencies with very different concerns, rather than being reconciled with
an imposed conceptual scheme. Special effort is made to reflect both claims
and counter-claims with respect to particular problems or strategies in
order to capture the dynamics between concerned parties and to facilitate
dialogue between different perspectives.
The data is currently made available via the Web, on CD-Rom and
in reference book form (notably the annual 5-volume Yearbook
of International Organizations, 39th edition; the 3-vol. Encyclopedia
of World Problems and Human Potential, 4th edition; the International
Congress Calendar, 42nd edition; the Who's
Who in International Organizations, 3rd edition). The Yearbook is now
subtitled Guide to Global Civil Society Networks. Data has been maintained in
electronic form since 1976.

Figure C3-1: UIA Strategic Overview
Strategic Focus
The work of UIA may be interpreted in terms of five strategic orientations:
- Facilitation through information. The most basic concern of the UIA
is that of making available information on the worldwide network of
international non-profit organizations, especially those of non-governmental
character (namely NGOs, also known as non-profits or civil society
- Facilitation through recognition. In light of the information
maintained on international organizations and their preoccupations, the UIA
aims to promote understanding of how such bodies represent valid interests
in every field of human activity or belief, whether scientific, religious,
artistic, commercial, educational, professional or political. A special
focus is given to the recognition of non-governmental bodies by
intergovernmental institutions and the need to overcome the legal and
administrative obstacles currently preventing the effective use of the full
potential of the inter-organizational network.
- Facilitation through comprehension. The elaboration of new
conceptual approaches, which are more appropriate to the complexity and
dynamism of the world system, and are viewed by UIA as fundamental to
any breakthrough in effective response to the network of world problems
faced by international organizations.
- Organization and meeting facilities. To improve the effectiveness
of organizations situated in a particular place, the UIA encourages the
creation of federations of international organizations (those established in
France, for example) and meetings among these organizations. It has set up
several (now independent) organizations for these purposes.
- Research. The UIA undertakes studies and surveys on the variety of
international organizations, including the significance of unconventional
and emerging forms (networks, religious orders, information systems, etc),
and on their meetings. Problems and possibilities of inter-organizational
networking are explored, especially as facilitated by information systems
and computer conferencing. A major programme on world problems and human
potential, initiated in 1972, is continued on a long-term basis.
Registry Operation
UIA has a long history in organization registries and their management by
computer. In fact, the UIA has always operated at the interface between
information, its organization and enabling the associations to which this
information structure is relevant. The UIA currently handles ten major
databases, equivalent to registries, of varying size and degrees of complexity.
Most are web-delivered and many are interactive. Additional detail on each is
included in Section C15.
- International organizations. The global network of some 50,000 non-profit
bodies in the Yearbook of International Organizations: Guide to global civil
society networks Covers non-profit bodies with every kind of human activity and
- Country participation. Information on the country involvement of
international organizations through their memberships. Some 350,000 links
between countries and organizations are currently published in the Yearbook of
International Organizations (volume 3).
- Problems (civil society issues). Registry of some 56,000 social and
environmental problems that preoccupy international constituencies, profiled in
a succession of editions of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human
Potential (freely available on the web since 1999; embedded in an evolving
network of hyperlink relations between organizations, their problems, human
resources, values and strategies (see below).
- Strategies (civil society solutions): Registry of some 33,000 strategies
advocated by international constituencies and profiled in the Encyclopedia of
World Problems and Human Potential.
- Human development (and modes of awareness). Profiles of some 4,800
understandings of human development, and any associated modes of awareness, that
are often the declared, or underlying, objective of strategies advocated by
individual organizations.
- Human values. Comprehensive registry of 3,200 human values profiled in the
Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential because of the manner in
which they guide the mode of action of civil society actors and underlie their
ability to perceive problems and guide strategies in response to them.
- International meetings. Registry of 25,000 international meetings,
especially those organized by non-profit bodies, profiled in the International
Congress Calendar.
- Biographies of executives of international organizations. Biographical
profiles of the principal executives of international non-profit organizations
published through the Who's Who in International
- Bibliographies of international organization materials. Studies of
international organizations by the academic community as well as the key
publication series produced by such organizations or about their concerns. This
information is published as part of the Yearbook of International Organizations
(volume 4) and part is freely available on the web.
- Logos and emblems. International organizations are increasingly challenged
by issues of use and abuse of their logos, as well as obtaining guidance on
designs as yet unused. The UIA responded to this issue in 1997 by producing a
World Guide to Logotypes, Emblems and Trademarks of International Organizations.
- Statutes of international associations. Since the beginning of the 20th
century, the UIA has been concerned with the highly problematic legal status of
international non-governmental organizations and has been involved in a variety
of initiatives to remedy this, most notably with the Council of Europe. As an
extension of its registry activity in profiling international bodies, the first
edition of a compilation of the legal statutes of these bodies was produced (International Association Statutes
Series, 1984) but proved uneconomical. Links
are currently provided to the web sites of the organizations.
International Standing and Major Relations
The UIA has an international reputation for producing registry products of
high quality on a regular basis within the very tight production schedules
required for low-cost reference book and CD production. These capacities have
been seamlessly integrated with the interactive services associated with the web
dissemination of this registry data since 1996.
The UIA has consultative relations with UNESCO, UN/ECOSOC and ILO. It has
collaborated with FAO, the Council of Europe, UNITAR, and the Commonwealth
Science Council. It has acted as one of the research institutes in the network
of the UN University. A special ECOSOC resolution establishes cooperation
between the United Nations and the UIA for the preparation of the Yearbook of
International Organizations. Contact is maintained with more than 25,000
international non-governmental organizations eligible for inclusion in the
Based in Brussels since 1910, the UIA is as attentive to international activity
based in other countries and continents as to that in Europe. Being a
tri-lingual country, the Belgian base encourages a high degree of sensitivity to
language-related issues - especially since the majority of its profiling is done
in English. Early editions of its Yearbook of International Organization
appeared in French, alternatively in English, and then with occasional French
versions (on the last occasion in 1995, with support from French-speaking
countries through Agence intergouvernementale de La Francophonie /
Intergovernmental Agency for the French-Speaking Community. Multilingual access
continues to be an important feature of its keyword and subject indexing,
notably in the CD and web variants.
C4. The applicant's type of entity (e.g., corporation, partnership, etc.) and
law (e.g., Denmark) under which it is organized. Please state whether the
applicant is for-profit or non-profit. If it is non-profit, please provide a
detailed statement of its mission.
Type of Entity:
Association internationale sans but lucrative (International non-profit
Law Under which Organized:
Registered by Royal Decree, dated 2 July 1920, under the Belgian law
"regarding the granting of legal personality to international associations
with a scientific purpose" (25 October 1919, modified 6 December 1954 to
include organizations with "...humanitarian, religious, artistic and
educational purposes"). The UIA is registered under the Belgian law of 25 October 1919 as an
international association with scientific aims.
For Profit or Non-Profit:
Non-profit, civil society organization
If Non-Profit, Provide Statement of Mission:
The UIA is a non-profit-making international non-governmental organization
operating as an institute for research, study, information, consultation,
promotion and service. The aims and activities of UIA focus on civil
society/non-profit organizations, including to:
- Contribute to a universal order based on principles of human dignity,
solidarity of peoples and freedom of communication
- Undertake and promote research and study on transnational associative
networks, considered essential components of contemporary society
- Collect and distribute the most comprehensive documentation possible on
international organizations and associations, both governmental and
non-governmental, and on new forms of transnational co-operation
- Collect and distribute data on the various meetings organized by
international bodies; to encourage and undertake all activity aimed at promoting
the development and efficiency of non-governmental networks, as well as
intercommunication between people working in the international framework and in
inter-associative co-operation
- Study, categorize, analyse, compare and illuminate world problems as
perceived by international organizations
C5. Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S Number (if any) of the applicant.
Not applicable
C6. The number of employees currently employed by the applicant.
UIA has 21 employees: 16 salaried, 2 voluntary and 3 contract staff. It also
employs an in-house computer system without remuneration.
C7. The applicant's total revenue (in U.S. dollars) in the last-ended fiscal
2001 |
30,410,377 |
753,873 |
709,474 |
2000 |
35,339,837 |
876,075 |
824,478 |
C8. Full names and positions of (i) all directors, (ii) all officers, (iii)
all relevant managers, and (iv) any persons or entities owning five percent or
more of the applicant.
All Directors (UIA Executive Council: member, affiliation, [nationality])
- Dr F.W.G. Baker, Former Executive Secretary, International Council of Science
(ICSU), [UK]
- Professor Yves Beigbeder, Senior Special Fellow, United Nations Institute for
Training and Research (UNITAR), [France]
- Anne-Marie Boutin, Conseiller maître, Cour des Comptes
(French National Audit
Office) [France]
- Paul Caron, President, Uniapac, Centre for European Policy Studies
Institute of Advanced Catholic Studies - Commission on Catholic Scholarship
- Professor Christian de Laet, President, Development Alternatives [Canada]
- André De Schutter, President, Fédération des Associations internationales
établies en Belgique (FAIB) [Belgium]
- Paul Hiernaux, Honorary President, Association of European Chambers of
Commerce and Industry (Eurochambres) [Belgium]
- Dr Frits Hondius, Assistant Secretary General, International Commission on
Civil Status (ICCS) [Netherlands]
- George Kibedi, President, GKIC International Consultants [Canada]
- Georges Malempré, Office of the General Manager, United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) [Belgium]
- Raymonde Martineau, Former NGO Liaison Officer, United Nations Office at
Geneva (UNOG) [Canada]
- Marcel Merle, Professor Emeritus, University of Paris I [France];
- André Onkelinx, Honorary Ambassador, Royal African Circle in Brussels
- Turkia Ould Daddah, Former Director General, International Institute of
Administrative Sciences [Mauritania]
- Jacques Raeymaeckers, Honorary Ambassador, Former Secretary General, UIA
- Andrew E. Rice, Consultant, Former Executive Secretary, Society for
International Development (SID) [USA]
- Cyril Ritchie, President, Federation of International Institutions
Semi-Official and Private Established in Geneva (FIIG) [Ireland]
- Egon Slopianka, Former Secretary-General, YMCA European Union [Germany]
- Gianni Tibaldi, Professor, University of Padua [Italy]
All Officers
- President: Anne-Marie Boutin, Conseiller maître, Cour des Comptes (Magistrate, French National
Audit Office) [France]
- Vice-Presidents: Turkia Ould Daddah, Former Director General, International
Institute of Administrative Sciences [Mauritania]; Raymonde Martineau, Former
NGO Liaison Officer, United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) [Canada]
- ; Federation of International Institutions Semi-Official and Private
Established in Geneva (FIIG) [Ireland]
- Treasurer-General: Paul Hiernaux, Honorary President, Association of European
Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Eurochambres) [Belgium]
- Secretary-General: André Onkelinx, Honorary Ambassador [Belgium]
All Relevant Managers
- CEO / Secretary-General: André Onkelinx
- Director Finance and Administration / Assistant Secretary General: Geneviève
- Director Communications and Research /Assistant Secretary General: Anthony
- Project Manager: Nadia McLaren
- Financial and Corporate Advisor: Paul Caron
Any Persons or Entities Owning 5% or more of Applicant
C9. Provide the name, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address of person
to contact for additional information regarding this application. If there are
multiple people, please list all their names, telephone and fax numbers, and
e-mail addresses and describe the areas as to which each should be contacted.
Anthony Judge
Phone: +32 2 6436189
Fax: +32 2 6436199
Registry, technical |
Nadia McLaren
Phone: +32 2 6436197
Fax: +32 2 6436199
Project management |
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