Table of Contents

Application Transmittal Form

Fitness Disclosure

Executive Summary

  1. General Information about the Applicant

C2.   The full legal name, principal address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the applicant, and the URL of its principal world wide web site.
C3. A general description of the applicant's business and other activities.
C4. The applicant's type of entity (e.g., corporation, partnership, etc.) and law (e.g., Denmark) under which it is organized
C5. Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S Number (if any) of the applicant.
C6. The number of employees currently employed by the applicant.
C7. The applicant's total revenue (in US dollars) in the last-ended fiscal year.
C8. Full names and positions of (i) all directors, (ii) all officers, (iii) all relevant managers, and (iv) any persons or entities owning five percent or more of the applicant.
C9. Provide the name, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address of person to contact for additional information regarding this application.
C10. Intentionally omitted.
  1. Statement of Capabilities of the Applicant and Contracted Service Providers
C11.  As stated in the Criteria for Assessing Proposals, "ICANN's first priority is to preserve the stability of the Internet" and "ICANN will place significant emphasis on the demonstrated ability of the applicant or a member of the proposing team to operate a TLD registry of significant scale in a manner that provides affordable services with a high degree of service responsiveness and reliability." This section of the .org Proposal offers the applicant the opportunity to demonstrate its ability to operate the .org registry in that manner.
C12. State whether the applicant intends to perform all aspects of the Registry Function, or whether the applicant intends to outsource some or all aspects of the Registry Function to other entities that will provide services or facilities under contract with the applicant.
C13. Identify by name each entity other than the applicant.
C13.1. The full legal name, principal address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the entity, and the URL of its principal world wide web site.
C13.2. A general description of the entity's business and other activities.
C13.3. The entity's type (e.g., corporation, partnership, etc.) and law (e.g., Denmark) under which it is organized.
C13.4. Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S Number (if any) of the entity.
C13.5. The number of employees currently employed by the entity.
C13.6. The entity's total revenue (in US dollars) in the last-ended fiscal year.
C14. For each entity, please state the scope and terms of the contract under which the facilities or services will be provided and attach documentary evidence that the entity has committed to enter into that contract.
C15. Describe in detail the abilities of the applicant and the entities to operate a TLD registry of significant scale in a manner that provides affordable services with a high degree of service responsiveness and reliability.
  1. Technical Plan (Including Transition Plan)
C16. The third section of the .org Proposal is a description of your technical plan. This section must include a comprehensive, professional-quality technical plan that provides a full description of the proposed technical solution for transitioning and operating all aspects of the Registry Function. The topics listed below are representative of the type of subjects that will be covered in the technical plan section of the .org Proposal.
C17. Technical plan for performing the Registry Function.
C17.1. General description of proposed facilities and systems.
C17.2. Registry-registrar model and protocol.
C17.3. Database capabilities.
C17.4. Zone file generation.
C17.5. Zone file distribution and publication.
C17.6. Billing and collection systems.
C17.7. Data escrow and backup.
C17.8. Publicly accessible look up/Whois service.
C17.9. System security.
C17.10. Peak capacities.
C17.11. Technical and other support.
C17.12. Compliance with specifications.
C17.13. System reliability.
C17.14. System outage prevention.
C17.15. System recovery procedures.
C17.16. Registry failure provisions.
C18. Transition Plan.
C18.1. Steps of the proposed transition, including sequencing and scheduling.
C18.2. The duration and extent of any interruption of any part of the Registry Function.
C18.3. Contingency plans in the event any part of the proposed transition does not proceed as planned.
C18.4. The effect of the transition on (a) .org registrants and (b) Internet users seeking to resolve .org domain names.
C18.5. The specifics of cooperation required from VeriSign, Inc.
C18.6. Any relevant experience of the applicant and the entities identified in item C13 in performing similar transitions.
C18.7. Any proposed criteria for the evaluation of the success of the transition.
C19. Please describe in detail mechanisms that you propose to implement to ensure compliance with ICANN-developed policies and the requirements of the registry agreement.
  1. Provisions for Equivalent Access by Accredited Registrars
C21. Describe in detail your proposed methods of providing registry services on an equivalent basis to all accredited registrars having registry-registrar agreements in effect.
C22.   Provide a detailed description of your plan for supporting RRP at the time of transition, for supporting EPP within the required time frame, and for providing registrars with a smooth, low-cost migration path from RRP to EPP.
C23. Intentionally omitted.
C24. Intentionally omitted.
  1. Proposed Registry Services
C25.   Describe each Registry Service that you propose to provide for a fee.
C26. State the maximum price you propose for each Registry Service identified in item C25.
C27. Describe each Registry Service that you propose to provide without charging a fee.
C28. Describe the technical performance (including quality-of-service commitments) you propose to make.
C29. Intentionally omitted.
  1. Enhancement of Competition
C31.   Give your analysis of how selecting your application would affect competition in the provision of registration services at both the registry and registrar level.
C32. State whether the applicant or any entity operates a DNS registry having more than 500,000 registered names and, if so, provide details.
C33. Describe in detail all affiliations, including direct or indirect ownership and contractual arrangements (including letters of intent) for the past, present, or future provision of registry services, between (a) the applicant or any entity and (b) any operator of a DNS registry having more than 500,000 registered names.
C34. Intentionally omitted.
  1. Responsiveness to the Noncommercial Internet Use Community
C35.   Describe in detail the mechanisms you propose for ensuring that the policies and practices followed in your operation of the .org registry are responsive to and supportive of the noncommercial Internet user community, and reflect as much of its diversity as possible.
C36. Submit any evidence that demonstrates support for your proposal among registrants in the .org TLD, particularly those actually using .org domain names for noncommercial purposes.
C37. Intentionally omitted.
  1. Differentiation of the .org TLD
C38.   Describe any measures you propose to make to differentiate the .org TLD from TLDs intended for commercial purposes.
C39. Intentionally omitted.
  1. The VeriSign Endowment
C41. Do you propose to seek to qualify to receive any funds from this endowment?
C41.1. If so, describe in detail how you propose to use this endowment.
C41.2.   If you propose to seek to qualify to receive the endowment funds, explain why you believe that your proposed use is consistent with the terms of the endowment.
  1. Supporting Documentation
C50. The following documentation should be provided in support of your .org Proposal:
C50.1.   Organizational documents of applicant.
C50.2. Organizational documents of certain other entities.
C50.3. Business references.
C50.4. Annual reports.
C50.5. Evidence of commitment.
C50.6. Evidence of community support.


A. Curriculum Vitae for UIA Management
B. Curriculum Vitae for VGRS Technical Management
C. Performance Specification
D. Indication of Long-term Pattern of Support for UIA
E UIA and VeriSign Teaming Agreement
F. UIA Letters of Support
G. Visual Tools
Signature Page