Unity Registry Logo               Time to re-organise
The Proposal

C18.3. Contingency plans in the event any part of the proposed transition does not proceed as planned.

As part of our detailed planning of the migration we have completed a risk analysis based on available information.

This analysis will be continually refined and updated as the project progresses

Area of Risk

Description of risk



Measure to manage risk avoidance



Multiple simultaneous changes is more likely to fail



We will stage the complete migration over a period of time

We will have the contractual, technical and financial framework to accommodate this


Activities which cannot be practiced are more error prone



Every stage of the migration plan will be piloted and trailed prior to the live executed

The live execution will be postponed if the trial not 100% successful


Data Transfer

The SRS data is in some way incompatible with new system



A trail upload into a UR development system will be scheduled as soon as data is available

We will extend our range of conversion tools

EPP/RRP message transfer

It is not clear what the status of the planned RRP to EPP migration as identified in the SRS release schedule will be at the end of 2002. This prevents detailed migration planning to be performed at this stage



An active participation by VeriSign will allow this to be tracked.

Our plan will cater for all EPP all RRP or a mixture.


The possible introduction by VeriSign of a thin EEP interim step is a further complication



We will seek early clarification of this with VeriSign and plan accordingly


The new registry will support RRP, Thin and fat versions of EPP for the full period of the extended migration


There may be subtleties documented or otherwise in the current registry functionality that are not clearly understood. Not eliminating these would result in unexpected change in behaviour or the registry at switch over



In addition to an initial data snapshot, we will request a further snapshot of the data. In addition we will request a copy of all intervening. transactions

These will be replayed against the new registry and any inconsistencies accounted for

Any significant undocumented acceptable behavior of the existing registry will be emulated before switch over to live

Registrar switch over to new registry


Registrar systems may have problems splitting org transactions from the historical mechanisms COM/NET/ORG

Medium across whole range of registrars


We will encourage registrars to use specially designed OT&E system to verify successful separation

We may be able to negotiate a mechanism with VeriSign where all RRP requests are relayed to us for a transition period

Registrar switchover to Full EPP

Some registrars may experience difficulty with this

Medium across whole range of registrars


We have unique experience of this, and have created an assisted registrar migration service.

We also have a web interface to the registry which is available to all registrars

Subject to the guidelines in section IV we will continue to offer RRP support for 24 months from when the new registry goes live

Name server Migration

100% availability o

of org name resolution is essential through the migration period.

The migration from VeriSign name servers must be 100% failsafe



Even though there is a commitment from VeriSign to provide name server services for the whole of 2003, we will parallel run the replacement name servers for a full 6 months before switchover


This parallel running will be continued till we have 2 quarters of 100% mirroring. Even though this will delay the introduction of a better than 12hour zone file generation latency

General community / Industry migration

Many traditions in the industry are now well entrenched. The extent of the broad backward compatibility may be overlooked



We have recent experience of introducing a new gTLD, which has highlighted some of these issues.

These touch points (such as the internic an VeriSign WHOIS services, will be fully identified and migration / compatibility plans created

We expect that delegation WHOIS queries by VeriSign would be covered by C18.5, if not we will in good faith enter into negotiation with VeriSign to provide this service


Some services are nor precisely defined . These could further have a negative impact on smooth transition

e.g. the output of WHOIS varies from registry to registry



At the time of the new WHOIS service going live we will emulate the current WHOIS output format