TLD Application Review
(2 October 2000)
(Updated 8 November
2000) |
The period for submitting applications
for new TLDs concluded at 5:00 pm California time on Monday,
2 October 2000. This document gives the anticipated schedule
of next steps in reviewing the applications.
Date/Time |
Description of Event |
2 October 2000, 5:00 pm US West Coast time |
period concluded. |
October 2000 |
Quiet period: Because
the ICANN staff is small and will be very busy doing an initial
review of the many applications that are expected, we request
that no applicant or member of the public try to initiate contact
with ICANN regarding TLD applications during this period. We
will be providing information about the applications by postings
on our web site, as described below. During this period, we may
initiate communications with applicants regarding the following
procedural matters:
1. An e-mail acknowledging receipt of the
application, sent to the address listed at the end of the Sponsored
TLD Application Transmittal Form.
2. Questions about the completeness or
format of applications (omitted components of the application,
incomplete transmittal forms, missing electronic files, etc.)
3. Issues concerning requests
for confidential treatment of materials submitted.
4. Issues concerning election
by the applicant of which strings to pursue in the application.
5. Questions regarding payment of the $US
50,000 non-refundable application fee.
Begins 9 October 2000 |
Verification/review period. During this period,
ICANN will be verifying and conducting a substantive review of
applications. We request observance of the following communication guidelines:
Communications initiated by ICANN: ICANN may send
applicants and third parties communications about applications
that have been submitted, including inquiries requesting additional
information. In addition, in some instances we may request interviews
with applicants and other persons in connection with applications.
See "Consultation Period" below.
Communications not initiated by ICANN: We request that
applicants only initiate communications with us to correct materials
they have submitted or to advise us of a material change in circumstances
or the withdrawal of an application. Any such communications
should be made by sending an e-mail to <tld-applications@icann.org>.
13 October 2000 |
Posting of applications. We currently expect
to post non-confidential portions of applications by approximately
this date. |
October-5 November 2000 |
First public comment
period. During
this period, ICANN will operate a web-based comment forum on
the application materials that have been posted. Members of the
public are invited to provide their comments in the forum. |
Until 8 November 2000 |
Consultation period. During this period
we will be gathering additional information concerning applications
by posing specific questions to applicants in e-mail and requesting
written responses. The questions and responses will be posted
on the web site, except for communications of a strictly clerical
nature. |
9 November 2000 |
Staff report. The results of
the staff review of the applications will be posted on approximately
this date. We expect these results to be presented in a detailed
report, including an explanation of the goals of the analysis,
a detailed statement of how the analysis was performed, identification
of those who participated in the review process, summaries of
findings as to each application, compilations of comparative
data on the applications, observations regarding how the posted
criteria for evaluation apply, and other relevant results of
the analysis. |
9 November 2000 |
Second public comment
period. A
second web-based public comment forum will be established at
the time the Staff Report is issued to allow the public to comment
on the report. |
Two notes from the ICANN Board:
1. ICANN has designed a fair, equitable,
and open process for evaluating applications for new TLDs. ICANN
Board members have recently received a stream of e-mail comments
concerning applications. While they are committed to being accessible
to the public regarding ICANN matters, they have asked us to
remind applicants, their supporters, their detractors, and all
others that beginning
13 October there will be a public comment forum allowing
interested parties to comment, with their comments open for review
by everyone. ICANN Board members/staff will review these comments.
Private comments sent directly to Board members and the staff
are neither appropriate nor helpful in this process because they
do not support ICANN's commitment to openness and transparency.
2. One member of the ICANN Board of Directors,
Amadeu Abril
i Abril, has a prior affiliation with an ICANN-accredited
registrar that has been working on new TLD applications. Mr.
Abril i Abril has issued the following note:
To the Board and Conflicts Committee:
This note is to inform that I will not
be participating in any ICANN Board votes or discussions relating
to the current application process for new TLDs.
While I am not directly involved with any
new TLD applications, I recuse myself on the basis of my (loose)
affiliation with an ICANN-accredited registrar (Nominalia) that
has been working on new TLD applications, as well as the public
percepcion created by my frequent appearences as speaker or supporter
of another ICANN-accredited registrar (CORE) involved in a number
of applications, too.
As a Director, I do plan to continue stating
my views on general policy matters relating to new TLDs (as opposed
to concrete application evaluation). In the interest of full
transparency, I will copy any such emails to the DNSO Names Council
as their list is publicly posted and archived.
Amadeu Abril i Abril
3. Directors Rob Blokzijl, Greg Crew, and
Phil Davidson have also recused
Comments concerning the layout, construction and
functionality of this site
should be sent to webmaster@icann.org.
Page Updated 08-November-2000
(c) 2000 The Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
All rights reserved.