ATLAS II > Working Group > Interview & Picture > Siranush Vardanyan – APRALO

Siranush Vardanyan – APRALO


1. From your perspective as APRALO acting chair, what is the importance of ATLAS II?
Atlas II will give all ALSes an opportunity to network and get to know each other in person. This will help them to make links and facilitate connections for future collaboration. It will also bring together people who care about internet users and offer them the chance help to improve the challenges which internet users have not only from global perspective, but also from local perspective.

2. What is the goal or objective that you intend to see accomplished by ATLAS II?
ALSs representatives will not only have been able to learn more about ICANN and their own specialist area of interest – if they have one that matches what is available in ICANN, but that they also will have been able to meet up with like-minded people who can help them with anything more they would like to know about ICANN’s work, and become involved themselves.

3. What are the expected results in terms of regional and global participation in ATLAS II?
From a regional perspective it will be an opportunity to introduce regional members to each other at an annual general assembly and during ATLAS II and to be able to discuss issues of concern to the region, or sub-regions. As for Global participation, they will be able to learn about best practices and use them on local level in future, while adapting to their local specifics.

4. What do you consider are the next steps to be followed after ATLAS II to provide continuity and implementation of proposals that are developed there?

a) ATLAS II should be an opportunity for ICANN to set priorities for what is important for internet users to be implemented in future and how ALSes can be employed more effectively to contribute to the role of ICANN within the DNS universe.
b) ALSes need to know that if they need any advice, support, information – there are people and places to go
c) ALSes need to know that if their views are important to ICANN, and that they can have their voices heard in public comment forums on issues as they come to hand.
d) ALSes need to understand the processes involved in contributing to policy development for example how to find out about working groups and becoming active participants,
e) ALSes need to understand the whole structure of ICANN and where they might be the most appropriate section with which they may choose to establish themselves as a member.
f) ALSes need to know how they fit into the multistakeholder, bottom-up approach that ICANN supports and encourages to build policies that will eventually impact on them as end-users.

March 12th, 2014 by | Posted in Interview & Picture, Working Group | No Comments

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