مدونة iashah
Cost Estimation - new gTLD Application Fee
Finally the cost of new gTLDs have announced, which is about US$185,000/- per application for 500 applicants.
Annual projected renewal fees for new gTLD registry is about US$75,000/-.
Its very high cost, last time it was US$50,000/- per application. I think only big organization will appear.
Are you disappointed?
Auction in New gTLDs
11 August 2008
Lahore, Pakistan
Important Suggestions Part - A,
for Policy preparation for
"Economic Case for Auctions in New gTLDs"
M/s ICANN has opened discussion forum "http://forum.icann.org/lists/auction-consultation/" and have published a paper from one of its contractor M/s Power Auctions LLC, to award new Top Level Domains (TLD) between two or more registry applicants.
IDNC WG - Final Report on IDN ccTLD Fast Track & Public Comments
With the reference of Draft Final Report for IDN ccTLDs Fast Track, IDNC WG obtained Public Comments up to 23rd June 08 and posted on url http://forum.icann.org/lists/idn-cctld-fast-track/.
Along with others, I also have participated to submit some comments which were posted on the forum (as email archive).
Report was finalized uploaded on 26th June 08 for public http://icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-26jun08-en.htm.
Operation Plan & Budget FY09 - Estimate for new TLDs Application Fee
ICANN posted a draft "ICANN Operational Plan & Budget FY09".
Highlighted projects such as planning to launch new IDN ccTLD/ gTLD and some sTLD are described along with some estimation e.g. for the three- year model it is assumed that organization will receive about 100, 300 and 500 Applications for new TLDs, in fiscal years 2009, 2010, and 2011 (respectively). Fine, but there is no estimated cost per application request is mentioned.
Proposed Criteria for the New .IDN TLD allocation
It is necessary to discovered that what kind of planning is going to be formed for the issuance of new TLDs (IDN.IDN, .IDN, gTLD, ccTLD)?
Which of the following basis or criteria is proposed:
1. "first come first serve" or
2. "intellectual property rights only" or
3. "by offering to existing registrars of other TLDs before allowing to Public?"
4. "by keeping in view to maintain Internet with through monopolists?"
5. "to selected companies assigned or authorized by regional government"
ICANN authorities comments and public response is requested.
Imran Ahmed Shah
Urdu Language - Domain naming convention
I have gone through the ICANN.org website and activities but could not found any activity or proposal for Urdu Language naming convention and translation of Domain Names.
There should be some planning and procedure in this regards.
Imran Ahmed Shah
Community Representation from Pakistan (South Asia)
I am also worried that there is no sponsorship, registrar, fellowship or even a small level of membership alloted to the community of Pakistan which is on a good level of World Bank economic Directory.
Registration Procedure of New TLD, gTLD, ccTLD & IDN TLD
The procedures to apply for registration or to sponsor a new gTLD or new ccTLD or IDN TLD are not defined (with simple steps to follow) on the website icann.org.
Similarly there should be pre-defined but easy procedure to apply for membership for the ICANN, GNSO and other Councils and Organizations. For example when we locate that how we can join, we found that Membership of the ccNSO is limited to ccTLD Managers (see ICANN Bylaws Article IX (4)(1)). Where as ccTLD Managers can be only nominated by the representative pre-registered ccTLD Registrars.