RSSAC Statement on ICANN's Proposed Next Steps for IDN Deployment in the Root Zone
RSSAC has been asked for a statement on ICANN's proposed next steps for IDN deployment in the root zone.
Policy discussions are continuing and are clearly out of scope for RSSAC. RSSAC takes no position on what the contents of the strings used to instantiate IDNs in the root should be, or how many there should be within a factor of 2-5 times the current size of the root zone, or what the duration of the test should be, as long as DNS protocol is followed regarding length of labels, permitted characters, and so on.
[SAC020]: Response to IDN Program Director regarding ICANN's proposal for IDN deployment at the root level of the DNS [PDF, 77K]
A new IDNs site comes out
獭兔 It is a site use IDNs which means Rex rabbit, meybe somedays in the future it will be the truely IDNs 獭兔.中国 which is completely all in Chinese words.
I build this site to serve the Chinese cultivation peasant, provide them some cultivation technology (獭兔养殖技术) and skill, and this site is accepted by a lot of peasant, about 200 users will visite this site to learn new knowledge and publish their commerce information (獭兔行情).
“ICANN 2008年新德里大会”关于IDNs的简报(独家首发)
Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
The introduction of IDNs – domain names in non-Latin scripts - will be one of the biggest changes to the Internet since its inception.
Proposed Criteria for the New .IDN TLD allocation
It is necessary to discovered that what kind of planning is going to be formed for the issuance of new TLDs (IDN.IDN, .IDN, gTLD, ccTLD)?
Which of the following basis or criteria is proposed:
1. "first come first serve" or
2. "intellectual property rights only" or
3. "by offering to existing registrars of other TLDs before allowing to Public?"
4. "by keeping in view to maintain Internet with through monopolists?"
5. "to selected companies assigned or authorized by regional government"
ICANN authorities comments and public response is requested.
Imran Ahmed Shah
Some IDNs news in ICANN India Meeting
We also want to extend thanks on behalf of the entire community to our hosts from the Indian Government's Department of Information Technology and from the National Internet Exchange of India," said Dr Paul Twomey, ICANN's President and CEO. " India has many lessons to offer in the IT realm – and especially in the work to develop IDNs. Hearing about these lessons and experiences has helped everyone move forward and build a multilingual Internet
guiyang hotel
Why is seemingly kept a secret?
ICANN always speaks about IDNs as if they are something off into the future. Of course what they refer to is the idn.idn (unicode.unicode), have been registered by Verisign since 2000', and are functioning on the internet and in use today. Now that IE7 is out, all computers running that can resolve
I an curious why with all the recent IDN publicity, idn.idn tests etc. it is NEVER mentioned by ICANN or Tina Dam, Head of IDN program that,,, etc. etc. are online and resolving fine on the internet today?
Internet's Philosophy
What's Internet's Philosophy?
Open and Free, a new IDNs site build up, all about Philosophers or Topics, click here 哲学
What will 志田未来.com equivalent to?
In my blog entry Use an to create a new site for my favorite girl, philemon mentioned:Not yet totaly easy
It will be complete when instead of 志田未来.com, the .com part will be removed and been replaced by i IDN top level domain equivalent to .com
I have a question: What will 志田未来.com equivalent to?
Use an to create a new site for my favorite girl
As IE7, Firefox2 become popular all over the world, people begin to use IDN build internet site, I get in the trends and build my first IDN site for my favorite girl 志田未来, who is an actress in japan and become famous for a TV 14歳の母.
Using IDN make it in a easy wey, now I can tell my friends to visit the site just type 志田未来.com