Pakistan's .pk ccTLD engages ICANN
The Pakistani user, business and technical communities welcome the recent Pakistani ccTLD "PKNIC" ( move to explore ways in which to engage ICANN in a constructive dialogue on a possible particpation framework. The precise framework is still under discussion. However, this is a good positive step and a mutually beneficial result is expected. The importance of ICANN in development of international best practice for ccTLDs and in itself an example of an evolving muti-community model is recognised.
Trends of Chinese IDN(展望中文域名未来走向)
"buying made in Ghana goods" includes ccTLD (.gh)
Hi All,
I believe this mail will interest all. If we are interested in our identity ( The course to be proud as a people); not forgetting the recent re-launch of the "buying made in ghana goods", usage of our ccTLD (.gh) will re-ignite a national self esteem and confidence. But some will argue why go for a domain with annual fee of say 35 dollars why say .com can go for some 9 dollars. what are the charges of the sky-rocketing charges?
Read a case study of what corporate nigerian is doing.
read on and lets start a national or i say international debate ?
La historia de Internet - "the Latin American experience"
Hoy publicamos en el blog de ICANN un "podcast" (un programa de audio por Internet) que tiene como título: "la historia de Internet y los ccTLDs en América Latina". Cubre entrevistas a cuatro operadores de ccTLDs latinoamericanos: a Rafal Ibarra (.sv), Edna Samudio (.pa), Marvin Castañeda (.ni) y Clara Collado (.do).
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