Participation at meetings
There is an ongoing issue about how to have real and effective remote participation at ICANN meetings.
As most of you will hopefully be aware, a specific website is set up for each meeting - you can see Delhi's here:, and Paris' at - where a webpage is provided for every meeting. That webpage contains its own chatroom; it contains the agenda, links to presentations , and, when over, a link to the transcript.
However there is still a disconnect and an advantage if you are physically in the room. As an Internet organisation trying to serve a global audience with limited resources, ICANN wants to get to the point where participation is real and possible remotely.
Add your ideas, have a discussion, review what others think at this dedicated forum to improving remote participation.
The biggest issue from experience is time. Meetings start and go extremely quickly from the perspective of someone not in the room. Often meetings happen at inappropriate times for those that wish to attend. Sometimes by the time a question raised remotely can be introduced into the conversation, the conversation has moved on. And this in itself discourages interaction.
So the question is: what can be done to fix this? Is the answer to make sure agendas are posted earlier? How can this be enforced? Should questions be accepted ahead of time? Should meetings on one topic be stretched over several days, allowing for more effective remote input?
What are the practicalities? How do you get the physical meeting to take remote input seriously? What needs to be done? ICANN is very interested in your views on this. And for that reason we have set up a forum on this site in order to help the community discuss, review, brainstorm and formulate possible solutions which ICANN will then experiment with in an effort to provide the global community with a more effective route into the organisation's work.
Add your ideas, have a discussion, review what others think at this dedicated forum to improving remote participation.
Censoring the Internet at Paraguay (South America)
In electoral times COPACO the statal telecomunication company of Paraguay decide to censore the Internet, as they can.
This company has a monopoly over the International Fiber access of all comunication over the Internet. Every single mail has to pass their infraestructure to reach its destiny.
New Registrars
after opening the registrars account what is that next step. basically i had reviewed your website, but i have more questions if some one can help me, you can contact me at 832-228-2086.
Categorize the internet by domain name extensions?
It is clear that there is an administrative policy of ICANN to neatly categorize the internet by domain name extensions. It's too late to do this. The internet is already 'liberalized' to the point that domain name extentions mean nothing with respect to their web content. An online store could be a .org, a information website could be a .com, etc. This is because ICANN has correctly not interferred or regulated who gets what domain name endings; and for what their purpose is to be at the point of registration. This is because such a regualtion is not enforceable.
End of Summer Time in Europe and Remote Participation
Europe moved from summer time to winter time last night but the California won't do so until next weekend. This means that for the week of the ICANN meeting the time difference between Europe and the US is different than normal.
Anyone who wants to follow the sessions at this week's meeting will need to take account of the difference in the normal time calculations this week.
On Monday at 9am in Los Angeles it will be 5pm in Brussels and 4pm in Lisbon which is one hour earlier than last week.
I had mentioned to Dr. Paul Twomey that implication of internet in strengthening democratic institutions is an unexplored area. Professional interventions by ICANN can help in improving the Government-to-Citizen communication systems.
Registerfly - gatunos e incompetentes e a culpa é do ICANN
Quero que haja justiça: roubou, abusou, desgraçou negócios, vendeu dominios que já estavam super pagos. Será que alguém pode ajudar? Ou será que o ICANN vai ser responsabilizado por tudo o que nos aconteceu? A ver vamos...
Questions for the public forum?
ICANN has changed the method by which it draws input into its public meetings - including the public forum - in an effort to make it easier to interact, and hence encourage greater interaction.
For the ICANN public forum on Thursday 29 March 2007
Please note: You need to register with the site and be logged in to gain access to the chatrooms
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