Presentation: Survey of IPv6 Support among Commercial Firewalls [PDF, 673K]
[SAC021]: Survey of IPv6 Support Among Commercial Firewalls [PDF, 237K]
[SAC018]: Accommodating IP Version 6 Address Resource Records for the Root of the Domain Name System [PDF, 417K]
[SAC017]: Testing Recursive Name Servers for IPv6 and EDNS0 Support
Preparation | Test AAAA and EDNS0 support | Share Your Results | Results Reported | Testing Period
[SAC016]: Testing Firewalls for IPv6 and EDNS0 Support
Preparation | Test AAAA support | Test EDNS0 Support | Share Your Results | Results Reported
[SAC012]: Comments to the ICANN Board of Directors on Proposed Global Policy for Allocation of IPv6 Address Space [PDF, 105K]
IPv6 addresses for private networks
Yesterday's IPv6 deployment session ran over slightly, so there was no time to discuss a question Christian Chu Fook of Grenada's GD Management Group, asked. Nonetheless, it's a good question and touches on an active area of discussion in the IETF's IPv6 WG.
is there a scope within IPv6, like IPv4, that is reserved for private networks?
The Choice: IPv4 Exhaustion or Transition to IPv6
The exhaustion of the remaining pool of unallocated IPv4 addresses is approaching within the next few years and this may create some problems for the Internet, unless we make some smart choices. These decisions need to be planned well in advance if we want to ensure that the changes are as trouble-free, painless and inexpensive as possible.
IPv6 Deployment Panel
This session takes place in the San Geronimo A/B room between 3 and 4.30pm (UTC -4) on Sunday 24 June 2007.
What it is?
This session is a 90 minute panel discussion focusing on the issues involved in deploying IPv6 on an IPv4 network. Although IPv6 is very similar to IPv4, there are enough differences that's it's necessary to ensure many components on deployed networks will be able to handle IPv6 as well as IPv4.